The Greats of Canada!

Welcome to blogging through the alphabet, this week we are on letter G!   I weeks in already...time just flies doesn't it?   I hope you are taking part in this blog linky, or at least having fun with it.  :)

Others in this series:
A: Sidney Altman, Canadian Scientist. 
B: Beavers!
C: Chant National/O Canada.
D: Dog Sledding.
E: Edgewalk.
F. Tailed Frogs.  

This week I really had to ponder what I would do for the letter G.   I thought for a while of doing the Go-Train which was on my brain because a friend recently found it more cost effective than taking VIA.  But that wasn't setting well... then I thought about the great lakes and thought hmm.... and my smart alecky 11 year popped up with "you can do the great cat Milo!!!"....and therefore the Greats of Canada was born!   :)

Did you know that Canada is one of Great Britain's offspring?  Yes indeed, a long time ago England sent explorers off to North America (1600's).  There were a variety of skirmishes over the years, but overtime England and France settled their differences, the different parts of Canada joined together and eventually became known as the Dominion of Canada.  Unlike the USA we didn't have a rebellion, we did the Canadian thing and negotiated a peace.   So our first Great is .. .  Great Britain.

Great Lakes is the second Great.  :)
Canada is home to four of the five great lakes.  We have a great deal of fresh water (fourth of all countries in the world) and host to the deepest lake in North America, and 8th deepest in the world.   In fact the deepest lake in Canada is another great!   Great Slave Lake!    For curiousities sake....our favourite place to walk in Pinery Provincial Park which borders Lake Huron.

Great Seal of Canada
Then of course we come to another great, called the Great Seal of Canada.
This seal "is a symbol used on all state documents for authority and authenticity. Documents such as proclamations, commissions of cabinet ministers, senators, judges and senior government officials.    The Great Seal of Canada provides the formal sanction of the Crown to a document......The current seal is complete with an image of Queen Elizabeth in her robes, holding the orb and scepter, while seated on the coronation chair." (source)

Great White North  oooh...'s another Great!!!   :)
This can refer to Canada (woot woot) or the show by the McKenzie Brothers. 

Bob and Doug McKenzie were a pair of fictional Canadian brothers who did a sketch called "Great White North".  It started on SCTV  then moved to CBC Television in 1980.   Bob was played by Rick Moranis and Doug was played by Dave Thomas.   It was created as a mock filler to suit network demands for Canadian Content but quickly became a phenomenon in Canada and the United States. 

Great Cat Milo... it's my last great for tonight as hmm... bed time is approaching.  This was the lad's contribution.. who is the biggest Milo fan in the world!   

 Milo is an 8 year old cat (will turn 9 this year) that the lad picked out as a wee three year old.  This boy has been cat focused ever since he fell out of my arms into a bin of stuffed cats at IKEA as a wee lad.  Milo likes to be read to, comes when called, and is ever so patient with the lad MOST of the time.  He does suffer from some back-pain and that occasionally makes him very grumpy, and he catches colds easily, but overall is a great cat for the lad.   We call him the doggiest cat that we know.  But seriously...isn't he a beaut?

  So what do you think? Want to join us? If you live in Canada what other greats can you think of for Canada?? 

A Net In Time Schooling


  1. I love the Great Cat of the Great White North! :)

    1. made my lad smile indeed! :)

  2. That was a fun post! Milo is a beautiful cat.

    1. thank you, makes me happy to hear those comments. :)

  3. This was very informative. Thanks.

  4. Milo's so cute! This was a fun post to read.

  5. I agree the Great Milo is too cute.

    1. thanks. :) makes the lad smile to hear those comments. :)

  6. LOL Love that you ended with the Great Cat! Bob and Doug and the Great White North is our favorite - they are so hilarious.

    I wrote about a Great thing this week too - the Great Wall of China. :-)

    1. I know, they were weren't they? I'll have to check out your post Kym!

  7. Bob and Doug! That takes me back. We had a ginger kitty named Milo, excellent cat name.

    1. Was he named after Milo and Otis as well? :) It sure makes a good cat calling name.

  8. Learning more each time. :)

    1. always good to learn something isn't it?

  9. What a "great" post! :-) It is always fun when the kids help with the posts, and actually come up with some "great" ideas! I am loving that word right now!

    1. I loved his addition Amanda. :)

  10. What a fun kitty! Our family feels the same way!

    Thanks for the reminder of the Great White North guys! :)


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