I Need Thee O... I Need Thee

I Need Thee O... I Need Thee

I Need Thee O... I Need Thee
Every Hour I need thee...
Oh bless me Now my Saviour
I come to thee.

A Pearl Seeker: Seek to be Ready

Women, help each other. The preamble to this chapter talked about the need for women to mentor each other.  To be willing to love each other, step into each other lives, to be to others what we would have them be to us. 
Matthew 25 reminds us to always be ready. To be ready for the Lord to return.   Seek always to be ready. 

It's an active readiness you know...not one that counts on someone else to be ready, you need to be ready yourself.  No leaning on others readiness, it's one of your own preparedness.

You need to be prepared for it taking longer than you expect, or coming sooner than you thought. 

So stay alert, be ready, don't be sleeping.   The Bridegroom is a coming!

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