Our children need God's Law. They do. The law teaches us what sin is. It's an important part of our lives as believers. There is wisdom and conviction in the Law of God.
The law isn't the whole answer.
The law can tell us what sin is and can be a tool of conviction BUT it cannot ever deliver us from the sin that it points out to us. It just can't.
Which shows us the essential nature of grace. Oh how we need grace, grace that shows us our need for the law is just as great as that of our children.
The answer:
Show the gospel to your children. Preach it to them. Talk about it with them. Show them God in action in their every day lives. Show them how much YOU need to be parented by God even as you parent them.
My thoughts
Ah... I read these words and they resonate in my being. It's how I've been trying HARD to parent, but oh man.. it's hard to help a lad see both sides of the picture. But then again it's hard for me to do that as well. To see God's grace in equal measure to my need for his law. So I suppose that is something I can work on with my boy as well. To not be frivolous with the understanding grace and how it works with law.
What do you think? How do you balance the need for the law with the essentials of grace?
Want to follow along in the book? Here's where you can find it.
Amazon.com - Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
Amazon.ca - Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
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