- January 14, 2017 was the official closing of our church. Hubby is currently jobless, so we are working on living on severance as he looks for new work.
- Toilets needed to be repaired thus necessitating a change in schooling on two days.
The lad again worked like mad to get all his schooling done before heading out to London and Gramma's for the afternoon. He's currently working on building a pikachu for his dad. It's proving to be a bit tougher than the other one that he made so no pictures available yet.
I had a physical and I'm in good shape apparently (other than the obvious weight loss needed)
oh.. what did we do then? (usually I write these up as the week passes).... OH! right we made a human skeleton! :) We are using God's design to study the human body and currently are learning about bones. We also did our other schooling.
We had a lot of fun building this skeleton and reading through the bone section of the booklet. Currently the skeleton is buried in with snake...
We would normally go to the foodbank but we had a "closing interview" that we needed to be home for so... we stayed home and got some schooling done. We did math differently today. Studied probabilities with the game of Sudoku. Got other schooling done as well. The lad was so good, doing some art on his own while we finished up the interview.
Had an unexpected trip to London, decided to take along all my young stock and sell them to the pet store. Variable weather can play havoc with rabbits, so figured it was better to get them into a brick and mortar building. Hubby needed to pick up some wax rings in order to fix the toilets. Plans were made to fix the toilets on Friday.
Big job today: Fixing the toilets. They needed my help to move them in and out of the house We still need to fix the downstairs toilet but that's not a terribly pressing issue so we'll attack that issue next week. BUT my lad really helped his dad well, enough to say "I don't want to be a plumber mom", but that still leaves a variety of the trades open. One of my goals is that he will pick up a trade as that will help him throughout his adult life. Still in consideration is: carpentry, electrician (which currently he thinks would be neat), construction, painter etc... actually a whole lot of ideas are open to him yet, but plumber...not so much. :)
We also made an automaton which worked! It was rather cool. Had plans to do art but that didn't work out timewise. But the automaton worked!!!
Big day... grading for orange belt in karate!
Here he is showing he knows his katas. Sorry for blurriness at the end camera went wonky.
As you can see, success! Not that there was any doubt, as no grading if Sensei doesn't think you can do it. :)
Fatal Frost.The Kindness Club.
Art Series: Zentangle - anything is possible one stroke at a time
Homeschooling and more:
STEM: Popcorn RobotQuestion of the Day: How Do They Make Pudding Cups?
Field Trip: Bird Kingdom
A is for Sidney Altman
Practical Math
Recipe: Spaghetti Casserole
God's Chooses to Weaken EgyptEgypt: Alas the day
Discipline, Protection, Promise
And They Shall Know...
Refine: seeing God as Lord more clearly
Hymn Study: Praise Ye the Lord, The Almighty