Canada Book: Crazy About Canada

Crazy about Canada is a neat book all about Canada.  

Stand fast, not proud but fearing

Today we are reading from Romans 11:11-24.

Carole P. Roman's cultural, history books for children, a review

It has been my joy to read Carole P. Roman's books over these past few weeks.   Books from the "If you were me and lived" series that spoke to me predominately of days gone by, but one with a look into a possible future.   History was portrayed from The Mayan Empire, Viking Europe and the Ancient Mali Empire, the future glimpsed in a potential life on Mars.   Here are links to all four books that I reviewed via If you were me and lived on ... Mars, If you were me and lived in ... The Ancient Mali Empire, If you were me and lived in ... Viking Europe, and If you were me and lived in ... The Mayan Empire.