You see I'm reading a book lately called Parenting by David Tripp, and I recently finished a book called The Imperfect Disciple. Both make me think.
Imperfect Disciple reminding me to stop and behold the Lord, to REALLY see him, and to keep walking forward in my faith even though I stumble and fall, but that God's great love for me holds me and comforts me and reminds me of whose I truly am (despite my frailties).
The parenting book is CONSTANTLY reminding of a truth I hold close. I am a fallen person. God has given me the job of raising a fallen person, to help him see his need for Christ and to turn out to be a man of Character for God.
These are truths I hold in my heart. They are right there lately every time I turn around.
And yet.
I have this other perspective of
WHY does this lad have to push my buttons today?
WHY do I want to grump at the world?
WHY do I have to have a stubborn young rabbit, due to have babies any moment now, want to not use her nestbox?
WHY does my hubby have to struggle so to fix the truck when it should have been an easy fix!!!
All these whys work hard to crowd out what I know is my worth in Christ.
Why does that perspective of my worth change?
I feel so worthless. So beaten. So full of struggle to remember truths I hold in my heart.
But God has, so some strange reason, chosen to call me worthy in Christ?!
Why can't I just hold God's perspective of my worth before my face even in all my struggles?
My worth in God is set.
And yet my worth in my own eyes falters so.
It's perspective right? I don't have the answers, not today, today... today I just feel a tad weary.
My worth feels shattered.
This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute Friday. What is Five Minute Friday? Well it's a party of a group of like
minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a
singular word. AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to
each other on this writing journey. It's fun, though it's not always
easy, but it is always good. Come join us won't you? You are always
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