

Two weeks ago I was in a state of expectation.
A longing,
A hoping for,
A waiting for 
Time away

Holidays awaited
Time with my hubby
Time with my boy,
A time to visit with on-line friends.
I waited and hoped and foresaw good things.

We hiked.
We museumed.
We toured.
We listened. 
We even sang, and biked, and watched in amazement.

Caves, speakers, water, birds, 
Peepers busy peeping...how close can we sneak?
The thrum of a bullfrog 
The patter of rain and
The ACK of wetness on a sleeping bag unplanned.

The sorrow of no visits with on-line friends.
The delight of seeing a heron on the prowl.

Expectations seen and exceeded.
Expectations hoped for and missed.

So what do you expect?  

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute FridayWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.
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Review: Jesus Journey

Jesus Journey is a look at the humanity of Christ by Trent Sheppard.

Book Synopsis:

Jesus was human, like you and me. If the gospel is true, he still is.
Christians worldwide believe that Jesus is God. But this belief wasn’t the starting point for Jesus’ earliest followers. While Jesus’ humanity was a given for the disciples, his divinity was a truth they grew into believing—it was a journey of faith. As Christians today, we are also called into a faith journey—this time, to rediscover Jesus’ humanity.
Yes, we believe that Jesus is God, but do we truly believe that Jesus is human? And if so, how does that transform our own experience of being human?
Through eye-opening yet down-to-earth reflections, Jesus Journey invites you to encounter Jesus again—as if for the first time—by experiencing his breathing, heart-beating, body-and-blood, crying-and-laughing humanity.
Join Bible teacher and storyteller Trent Sheppard as he shines new light on the vibrant humanity of the historical Jesus through an up-close look at Jesus’ relationships with Mary and Joseph, with the God he called Abba, with his closest friends and followers, and how, ultimately, his crucifixion and resurrection finally and forever redefine what we mean by the word God. Come encounter the human who radically transforms our view of God.
Come encounter the God who forever changes what it means to be human.

What do you get?

A book divided into five sections.

40 separate chapters covering topics such as Joseph and Jesus, Intervention, Nicknamed, Holy Fury, No Escape, Biology 2.0, and Ascension.

My Thoughts:

I tried, I really really tried but I had to stop part way through the book, I just couldn't continue to read this book.

Points I struggled with:

1. Text taken out context.
2. Text changed without it making sense why he was changing the traditional understanding.
3. Too focused on the humanity of Christ to see the Godness of Christ as well.
4. When he did use text, he often stopped it too soon OR miss the point of the passage.
5. He makes too many suppositions.  Such as at the wedding at Cana he assumes there was a special look that passed between Mary and Jesus...when we have no sign of that AND he misses the point that the wedding is about God's glory at work in Jesus.
6. He seems to want to bring Jesus down to our level instead of bringing us up to his. Jesus shows us what true humanity is all about.
7. I dislike the almost exclusive use of paraphrases throughout this treatise.

What I liked:
As a devotional Mr. Shepherd adds three points to the close of each chapter 
Ponder - He'll give a point to think on.
Pray - He's gives a point of prayer, something we can ask for usually.
Practice - How to put into practice the lessons learned.

Many of these three points I liked, particularly the practice ones.   It's good to think on ponder on who Jesus was. 

I have to admit... I thought the idea of the book was intriguing, but the fact is this... Jesus was so interlinked, his humanity with his divinity that its one of those mysteries you just can't really understand.   How can God cry?  Can God skin a knee?   Yes, if he's also fully human.   Jesus wept, got hungry, got tired, just as we do.   Just as Jesus did, we need to grow in maturity in the sight of God and man.   Jesus is that perfect example of weakness held within strength.

Now.. just because I couldn't finish this book doesn't mean it's not at all worthy to read.  I can easily see this book being used in a group study as a way to think differently about a subject and to talk out some of his points.  To read different translations, to get the full gist of what the bible passages are talking about and to look for how Jesus shows us how living as the humans that we are can be better.

Jesus Journey: Shattering the Stained Glass Superhero and Discovering the Humanity of God.
Trent Shepherd
256 pages
8 x 5

Reviewed for: booklookbloggers

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Art Book: Splash of Color

 Ah... I need to apologize to you all.. being away last week totally wrecked up my routine for getting posts ready for the blog.  TOTALLY!!!    I need to figure out a way to get caught back up!  

Anyways, I have a neat book here for you today... it's not a little book by any means, rather long... think the size of those big sketch books you can buy for art ... NOT the HUGE ones, but those middle sized ones.   It's called Splash of Color.  It's a painting and colouring book.

I know I know.. SAY WHAT?  

It's a painting and colouring book, it's made on watercolour paper so you can colour the pages with watercolour brushes or pens, or use paints OR use pencil crayons. 
The point is to colour.  :)

 Isn't that welcome lovely?   Makes me think of the pleasure it brings to share art with each other doesn't it with you too?   And this book calls you to make art, to share that art on the easy tear off sheets. 

I have GOT to show you my favourite design in the whole book.  I have this major thing for chickens.  :)  So guess what!   I found a chicken!!!!!
Though admittedly I also like this one: 
Lest you think they only have animals in this book, let me show you some of the variety.
The paper is a very sturdy watercolour paper, able to be pulled out easily to be displayed.  They are designed so they will fit in 9 x 12 frame.  The pages, as you can see pull up from the top.
The opening cover fits smoothly behind each page to provide additional support in your painting & colouring endeavors. 

I definitely recommend this book you and if you do get it, you might want to consider trying out their watercolor pencils as well!

 Splash of Color: Painting & Coloring Book
Author:  Liz Libre of Linda & Harriett 
Pages: 50
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Reviewed for: Raincoast Books

Where can you find it?
Amazon.com - Splash of Color Painting & Coloring Book

Amazon.ca - Splash of Color Painting & Coloring Book

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Net in Time helps fuel this blog and our homeschool - thank you! ©2006-2017 A Net In Time. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. A Net In Time/