Canada: Discover Canada

Today I have something a wee bit different for learning about Canada.   It's a game!  A brain game none-the-less!  I picked this game up a while ago to use with my lad, just a fun grab a card, look at it and see what you remember and can learn about Canada.  

Let me introduce you to Discover Canada by Brainbox.   You can learn more about Brainbox and even play some games while visiting them right HERE.

Review: Spill Zone

Spill Zone, by New York Times Best Selling Author, Scott Westerfeld, is an interesting book.  I admittedly, wasn't sure of it when I first started reading it, but then I became very interested in how the story would turn out in the end, and I'd love to read book two.  'Cause I really want to know the complete ending!

Set in our ways... let's Revise!

Revise: to make a change, to reconsider, to alter a preconception, 

Tonight a friend and I were talking, I mentioned how some friends are mine were getting rather set in their ways and that I hoped I wasn't getting set in my ways.  She mentioned that it happens to all of us.  We get used things being a certain way and come to expect it, it part of being human.  My response "I DON'T WANNA!"   Silly eh?