Place: Some to hold dear

Walking through life 
one comes across many a place.

Places to fear
Places to hold dear. 

One such place we recently called home for one week.

A place to camp called Grundy Lake.
Filled with many smaller places.

Like a pond filled with 
Black Crappie
Smiling Snapping turtles

A swamp biome
Home to 
Pitcher Plants
Blandings Turtles
Biting flies
and swooping birds.

Canadian Shield home to
Jack Pine
Blue Birds
Red Squirrels
White Throated Sparrows
Massassauga Rattlers

A place to
Read books in the sun
Swat Skeeters
Watch falcons soar
Meet strangers and chat
Enjoy God's creation

This is a place we enjoy full well.

Wouldn't you like to go to such a place?

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute FridayWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.
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