Another Math Game

Found here.

Deck of cards : remove jacks, queens, kings, jokers.

Each player gets 10 cards.

Each player removes the cards that add up to 10.
I.e. has a 2 3 5 7 9 1 2 6 6 8 would remove 2 8, 3 7, 9 1 (puts them in pile in front), and be left with 2 6 5 6

This player would then ask the player on the left if they have a card. For instance in this case.. a 4 (because 6 + 4 = 10)

If player on left does not have card, the person asking picks up from the middle one card.

The aim of the game is to get rid of all 10 cards held in the hand.

Good way to reinforce adding to 10, and can easily to changed to doing 8's or 11's or whatever. Do addition, subtraction etc.

Playing "war" helps with math skills

The concept is found here.

The basic concept is simple.

Deck of cards.. remove all jacks, queens and kings.

One deck per player.

Simple number knowing: Play war : high card wins

Play addition/multiplication war: turn up two cards, multiply, high answer wins

Can also do for subtraction.. and make it so low card wins or whatever desired.

Quick way to reinforce math skills in a fun way.