Have you ever asked yourself these questions.
1. Why do my children do the things they do?
2. How does change take place in children's hearts and lives?
3. How can I be a tool of change in the hearts and lives of my children?
The answer to all these questions is this: worship.
Everything children do is related to what they worship most in that moment.
Is it outward appearance? Making other people happy? Wanting to do their own thing? Wanting more stuff? What is at the root of their behaviour?
I was recently reading in Romans that when one gives glory to God it makes your faith stronger. Mr. Tripp talks about how worship is something that we live everyday. It's an attitude and choice. Worship is that inner desire to wonder and amazement that we all possess. It's part of our life long hunt for God.
So tying these thoughts together... as we increase the chances for our children to worship God, we will grow their faith. Makes sense eh? So we need to see the bigger struggles and not just the surface stuff. We need to build on that connection to God.
Mr. Tripp lists off seven things in our goal to do that.
1. The capacity of the heart of our children to worship is meant to drive them to God.
2. The capacity of your children to worship is the most important biblical insight for parents.
3. Since your children are worshippers, you must be committed to being an instrument of seeing.
4. Since your children are worshippers, a vital skill for you is to learn how to lead them to confession.
5. To say your children are worshippers means you have no power to free them from their biggest problems.
6. Because your children are worshippers, your only ope for them is the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. We are more like our children than unlike them.
Remember.. God has given you the grace to parent the children he gave you. Search their hearts, help them search their hearts, help them to see God more clearly so they can worship him all the more.
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Amazon.ca: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
Amazon.com: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
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