You can't do it all!

Did you know that you can't do it all?
You can't.
It takes a community to educate a child.

To that end.. we happily use the community to educate our son in the things that we can't.

What do we farm out you ask?

Physical Education.
I can take him biking, hiking, swimming, kayaking etc.   Can happily and easily do that with him, but I can't teach him archery, or soccer, or karate. so you know what I do?  I farm those things out to skillful people who can teach it! 

Tell me.. do you have to farm out phys ed?   Or are you able to teach it at home?  If so, what do you use?  If you are not a "phys ed" type person what does it take for you to teach it?

Group Education
Two different homeschooling groups, one that does co-op days, field trips and group learning times. The other that plans monthly field trips - some for educational, some just for the social component, while a few are mixed.  

Co-op days are so much fun and yet hard work!  Depending on the class you teach.... some are so easy... like teaching about rabbit care, and others are a challenge when you don't know how much children can or cannot do and you expect one thing and get something completely different. 

Field Trips! 
I know nothing about caves and yeah, I could research them OR better yet, I could take the lad and dad on a cave tour!  What better way could I give the lad a chance to get excited about a natural phenomenon that pictures and videos can't elicit.  An expert in the field that loves what they do .. passes it along to the students.

I could bring him to the zoo where he can ask zoo keepers questions, and they could reveal things about the animals that we wouldn't even consider. 

I can discover a radar museum and have the lad talk with a war veteran who can teach him the importance of good mapping skills and knowing what the radar is pointing out (life or death to be precise!)

What amazing field trips have you been on?

So Many Options.
There is SO much out there, people who can teach an art form I only recently discovered.  People who know something about the history of a region, people who can speak a different language and SO MUCH MORE. It's amazing!!!!!   Sometimes I wonder, what great learning experience is awaiting me just around the corner... don't you???

 Check out what the rest of us have to say.  :)
 Here's a list to get you started, see the rest here!

Jacquelin – A Stable Beginning – We are in our 9th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Charlotte Mason approach. Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.
Jenn – Treasuring Life’s Blessings – Jenn is a mom to 8 children. She shares about her everyday life, homeschooling and favorite recipes.
Diana – Homeschool Review – Diana has been home schooling since 1992 and has tried many styles of home schooling. Her blog reflects home schooling, crafting, and family life.
Elyse – Oiralinde: Eternal Song – When I asked my family to describe me, they said I am an “introverted gypsy made of music.” My online moniker is Oiralinde, which is an elven word meaning “eternal song.” My life is full of music: love, laughter, and memories.
Felicia – Homeschool 4 Life – Well, it’s back to school time and we homeschoolers have more to do than others to get ready. ... We all could use a little encouragement and guidance during this transition time from summer to school. That’s why we’re here!
Hillary – Walking Fruitfully – I’m a mama to six, from 7 years old up to 16. We homestead and homeschool our crew in a relaxed, Charlotte Mason-inspired way, even through high school.
Jacqui  – Homestead Bounty Blessings – I am a wife, mother, teacher, homesteader in training, and believer in Jesus, my Savior. My blog shares my journey in gardening, chicken keeping, homeschooling and homesteading.

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  1. Sounds so familiar! We believe in learning from lots of places, so to that end, we try to do lots of field trips and learning trips. I also allow them the opportunity to have others teach them dance and violin and sign language. I am so thankful for these options. - Lori

    1. Oh's just so neat to discover what's out there

  2. We are definitely field trip people! We take lots of day trips whenever we can. I think our absolute favorite was the day we went out on an oceanography boat trip learning about the ecosystem of Long Island Sound.

    1. that would have been a fantastic field trip

  3. Thanks so much for linking up your post with us at Encouraging Hearts & Home. It’s always fun to get new ideas! I hope we will see you again next time. :)


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