Speak, a poem


Sunday it hit, 

The pain in my head.
Making me wish
Temporarily I could be dead.
Migraines aren't fun
The sunlight it hurts
Please tell me hun
You won't force me to church?

Pain sits and sits
Never seems to abate
But this week I have work
It mustn't be late!

Eagerly waiting
For the pain to leave
Each day I work 
Sunglasses relieve

Anguish each day
When I awake
Won't this pain hit the lake?

Knowing that God
Holds me close to his heart
I know I can work
I can do my part
Slowly I find, 
My voice as I type
So glad I can make
This room almost dark

 ACK!!!  I have no more letters to work with, and I'm getting tired.   Just have to say I am so glad that God gave me the ability to slowly.. oh.. so slowly.. to find the words I needed to make the five day blog hop work out as well as it did!   Sunglasses and darkness..it took four days for that migraine to leave!!!  AH.. don't want to live with that again for another year!  But to bed I must go, I don't want that massive headache to come back again!  
This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute FridayWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.
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  1. Oh, Annette! I don't get migraines but Barbara does, and seeing her agony is heartbreaking.

    I'll share your poem with her, and I think it will bring comfort in knowing she's not alone

  2. Annette, I can so relate to this with my kidney stones and just feeling useless this week! I am a pastor's wife too (in Nepal). I will be teaching tomorrow at church and just can't even imagine powering through it.

  3. Oh Dear one, how horrible. Migraines are awful.So glad you are on the mend!
    Sometimes, only speaking a few words has a bigger impact! :)

  4. Migraines are evil! I am so glad you are feeling better. Get some rest and keep that room dark. #6 this week.

    1. Sweet darkness, I love darkness, when I have a migraine is wonderful. Otherwise light give me lots of light.

  5. Glad you are getting over that one. Praying you don't have another for a very, very long time.

    1. Me too! Normally get one bad one a year

  6. Migraines are excruciating. I used to suffer from them until I realized that mine were caused by gluten. Thankfully I've been migraine free since I changed my diet. I pray that you also find complete relief and never have another one. **hugs**


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