R is for ... raving, rabid, rabbits...

So how do raving, rabid, rabbits fit into a Canadian theme?

Did you know that they are working hard to eradicate rabies from Ontario?   At least from SOUTHERN Ontario?  

We've had flair ups of rabies...due to dastardly hitchhikers coming up from the States, but the ministry is very aggressive in maintaining a 100 km rabies free zone from the US border.
Helicopters and Twin Otter aircraft pepper hectares of forest with vaccine-laced bait traps. Teams of hardened trappers patrol the backcountry to inoculate thousands of skunks, raccoons and foxes — and neutralize the hundreds more that can’t be saved.  NO RABIES!  NO RABIES!!!!!   (save us from New York rabid wild critters!)

How do rabbits fit into this picture? 
1. I raise rabbits and think they are a rather cool critter.   and
2. Rabbits cannot get rabies.  Go figure.  :)   All the more reason to have more of them around eh? (okay... they MIGHT be able to get rabies, but the chances are so small as to be unimportant).

This is what one comes up with at 1142 at night when one realizes they have done the WRONG letter for the week.  I had a great post for the letter S (you'll have to read it next week).

So today you get to learn about about raving, rabid, rabbits.  :)
See.. THREE R's!   

Normal rabid animals: Rats, skunks, foxes, raccoons (the normal hitchhiker),  deer, mink, and such like.

So anyways, welcome to week "R" of blogging the alphabet.  I'm hoping you'll forgive my tired ramblings (see look a FOURTH R) and join Amanda and I anyways.

Rock on Week R!!!   (see see.. A FIFTH!!!)   :) 
A Net In Time Schooling


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  1. I love it!! I also did not realize that rabbits cannot get rabies!

    1. They apparently can, but it's really really rare.

  2. So, are there just tons of rabid animals in the upper parts of the US or is it just something that Canada is working hard at for some particular reason? Rabies is no joke, so definitely not a bad thing!

    Thanks for the fun post.

    1. oh good, I meant it to be fun! :) And yes, States bordering us are rift with rabid animals...

  3. I'm sorry that rabies are coming into Canada because of the US. :( We had a family of 8 skunks living in our backyard a few summers ago. Our tiny, little, yappy dog thought they were playmates. :) He got sprayed twice (Lemon juice works wonders!) No one would come help us deal with them. I called everyone I could think of. (We live in suburbia.) Sigh!

    1. Skunks are fairly easy to trap... you just need cat food, a live trap, and a tarp...that you hold up in front of you as you cover the skunk with it. :) Then drive far far far away with it (and all it's kin). :) ... nevertheless. EIGHT skunks is a bit much. :)

  4. We just saw what we thought was a rabid raccoon the other day; out walking down the road in the middle of the afternoon... definitely not normal raccoon behavior.

    1. definitely not.. I would have been calling animal care to come check it out.

  5. Great info. I did not know rabbits could not get rabies.


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