A Good Full Week Reviewed Jan 22-28


history, bible, math (multiplying decimals), astronomy copywork, game at gramma's, reading,  A quiet day, shorter than planned, but good


For Grammar, we used the story that he is writing. It's good for him to see why and how his edits are necessary.
Started Math Mammoth, pay attention a review is on the way!
Science (made a bone)  See this site.    I can't say the lad was highly enthused with this activity, but he did learn a lot about the structure of the bone.  

History, bible, astronomy (what do you remember about the asteroid belt)
Watched video on bone structure  and found a page where we could label the parts of the bone.

Foodbank, art, Canada learning about the MacKenzie river, being amazed at the caribou.  
My son and I watched a few different videos about the MacKenzie river which is Canada's largest river.  He was stunned by how wide it is.

A good day filled with Art, Science, History, bible, math and all sorts of schooling stuff.  :)

While the lad worked on his schooling, I worked on laundry and cleaning the dining room/living room   Moving furniture and organizing...man the old papers that got tossed!   It was so good but also SO exhausting.   

I managed to get outside to take pictures of my bunnies so I could update my rabbitry website so that was great.  

Today we had three things in school we wanted to work on.
1. Art (didn't make it this far as the robotic hand took longer than anticipated)
2. Science: Icebergs, we were learning about icebergs and my lad asked this question "do icebergs melt faster in salt water or fresh water?"    So we thought we'd test out the theory.   Some elves came along for the joy of cold weather!  :)

3. STEM Science: Robotic Hand

 All in all it was a great week, with learning and growing together.

 Over the course of the week I made progress with my art project.   It's a bit wet here yet, but I have a tree in the foreground and white fluffy clouds!!! 

My lad keeps telling me how much he likes what I am doing. He gives me helpful advice and helped with cutting out the limbs for the tree.   I wanted to clip the overhanging tree branches but the lad forbade me saying "I like it mom, it makes the tree stick out more".  He thinks I should add a few green leaves to the tree, but my original plan was to just have a stark tree overshading the foreground, but "mom, it will look dead if you do that.  Dead trees don't have interesting bark!!!".   

So what do YOU think????

Stem: Robotic Hand . Where we make a robotic hand.
Art Series: the Incredible Art Department.  An online free art lesson resource.
26 reasons to love homeschooling. An alphabet of reasons.
B is for Beavers.   A ABC blogging post
Exploring the World Starting with Canada.   A Virtual Curriculum Fair Post

Faith and Life
Poem: Control.  Word prompt post
Pride the Downfall of Egypt.  Devotions from Ezekiel 32.
Connections and Gratitude, Jan 25. Posts and things I am grateful for.
How do we bear one anothers burdens.   Sermon based on mental illness. 
Behold, Assyria like a cedar in Lebanon.  Devotions on Ezekiel 31.
Recipe: Lemon Cinnamon Cookies.
Hymn Study: Precious Lord, Take My Hand.
On Whom Do you Rely?   Closing service at our church

 The Playbook.  Using sports to teach character and life issues.

Linking up at the following:

Homeschool Highlights.
Family Friday Link Ups:
Weekly Wraps Up.
Homeschool blog and tell.


  1. Well, I think the bone you made is pretty neat. And Kennady liked seeing the pictures of your bunnies, as she just happened to be here as I was reading. :-) Great job on your art project too.

    1. I thought it was pretty neat too! Oh good, tell Kennady if she ever wants bunny pictures I'll send her some...hey...if I send her a picture of Wafer (pet bun) maybe she can do up a sketch of her? Thanks... I've got a bit to go on it yet... I want to add a canoe to the picture yet...

  2. Sounds like you had a very productive week. I think making your own bone would be amazing. My son acts the same way!

    1. he does, does he Kelly? What's your approach?

  3. Love the learning that occurs and the ways in which you share about it. - Lori

    1. Thank you Lori, felt rushed this week so didn't expand or link up the way I wanted, but it's all good in the end eh?

  4. The photos are amazing, it looks like so much fun! Thanks so much for linking up at #familyfriday we appreciate it! We hope you come back next week.


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