2107 It's here...what's in store?

The Crew Round-Up this week is all about Goals for the year.

I have to admit, I don't tend to make a lot of goals.   I tend to take the year as it comes and make plans in my head about what I want, but you know how plans are?   They build upon each other until you reach overload (at least that's how it tends to work for me).

So I make longer term goals with small steps leading up.

This year goal planning is in flux because hubby is needing to find new work, we may end up moving by year end, my life might end up looking quite different.   So most goals are dependent upon that.

1. My Rabbitry Goals:  I think I'm going to sell off my polish and just focus on my hollands.  I like my polish and think they are great little rabbits, but my current crop is proving hard to breed and my one doe has produced flighty youngsters that I'm not keen on.   I only have a couple of does so fighting with them when I may have to drastically reduce my rabbitry.... doesn't make a lot of sense to me.   Admittedly, it's hard to reduce my rabbit herd and to think of letting my polish go... it's HARD.   At the same time I was raised to be practical (it's a Dutch thing!).  Do one must do what one must do and not look back.

2. Business Goals: I want to start creating more ebooks and hopefully start to sell them.   Using Currclick or teachers pay teachers or something.   Make some longer and shorter books, maybe sets that go together.   Focusing on animals at first (as that's a natural thing for me) and moving into geography or history or something.   Go slowly and see how it goes eh?   :)   Part of that goal is to increase blog readership which from what I've read means I need to build an email list and start sending out emails to folks about what I blog.  I need to get over a mental hurdle about that and see if I can figure out creative ways to do a email list.  BUT FIRST I have to get a email server that let's me in to use it.   It's a mild source of vexation.

3.Personal Goals: To remember to be patient and trusting of God to be mindful of us over the next year as Jim locates new employment.   Otherwise...what other personal goals?    There are always the standard ones: lose weight, grow deeper in my faith, exercise more, and what not.  They are just life issues more than goals though.

4. Spiritual Goals: To finish the book of Ezekiel for my devotional time and then to find a new book of the bible to go through.   To sort through what church we'll be attending over this coming year. 

5. Homeschooling.   To continue teaching my boy as long as I can.  To enjoy the journey that we are on.  Learning and growing together.  Seeing new delights in the world that God has given.

See what some of the goals other members of the Homeschool Review Crew have.  CLICK HERE.



  1. Great goals. And seeing them in print, for me, always makes the goal easier to work towards. - Lori

    1. yes, I suppose it does. I know that writing things on a calendar is a HUGE boon for my lad. :)


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