Walking Through the World

I wrote this poem in response to a connections idea with the Breathe Conference I attended Oct 6-7 this year.  I thought it fit well with today's word prompt CONNECT.

Walking through the world I realize
that I am not alone.

Wherever I look there are reminders facing me
Voices that reach me from every direction.
Shouting at me,
Telling me what I should do
What I should be
How I should live
What my concerns should be.

Sometimes all those connections make me feel so alone,
Like no one will listen,
No one will care.

Does it matter?
Does it really matter what I think,
What I want?
But still.. still the voices shout.
Feed me
Read to me
Walk with me
Help me

Sometimes, occasionally they don’t shout and boss me so.
Sometimes, just sometimes they reach out and touch me
Talking to me of the things that touch my heart.
Teaching me more about the Lord I serve.
Reaching out to remind me the importance of family.
The necessity of friends.

And as they shout
and as they remind.
The words they use hurt,
The words they use heal.

And through it all
Somehow I find my heart.
My heart to reach out to others.
To strive to touch the world around me
With truth and light.
With grace and honesty.

I so want others to see what I see.
The beauty of the Lord’s word.
To see it and to be touched by it.
To know that they too can understand it
Without needing a huge study bible
or a bunch of commentaries.
To know the word of the Lord and be changed by it.

I so want others to see what I see.
The beauty in reading books.
To learn from them.
To see the potential of the authors truths
Spoken in their lives personally.

I so want others to see what I see.
To reach understanding by knowing the minds of others.
To see that if you know how people think
You can maybe, just maybe open a door
To God’s voice speaking into their hearts.

I so want others to see what I see.
The beauty in a sunset.
In the smile of a boy child.
In the hug of a husband.
The fun of a garden.
The delight in caring well for animals.

I so want others to see what I see.
To be changed.
To have that connection to something more
Something bigger than themselves.

That connection to the world of others.
That connection to the words of kindness spoken.
That connection to instruction found
In God’s word
In books and CD’s and words sung.
Find those connections, I so want others to see.

Do I succeed?
I don’t know.
The voices, the faces of those around
Generally don’t tell me.

But sometimes..just sometimes they do.
And then my heart...my heart soars.
And then I’m off, off to speak new words
To the world around me.

Can they see it?
Can they feel it?
Do they know how connected we all are?

To the voices that shout.
To the voices that calm.

Walking through the world I realize
that I am not alone.
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  1. Nice, very nice. Longer than your normal but filled with such emotion. And you are right - we are not alone in this world.

    1. Thank you Lori, I look back and think...i could tighten it up a bit, reword it hear and there, but overall, I think I conveyed the thoughts I wanted to.


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