Review: Caroling Through The Psalms

Hi!   Do you remember me reviewing a book called Psalm Hymns?  It's fine if you don't, but it was this cool book that put the words of the Psalms to familiar tunes.   Well, they have put out a boof called Caroling through the Psalms.

Now I have to tell you this... not all this music is new.  About 2/3rd's is taken from their regular Psalm Hymns book with the last 1/3 coming from the newest work in progress. 

They've excerpted this selection to make an easy to use book just for the holidays, making it easier for people to focus on God in all the festivities of Christmas.   Check it out, all the tunes are familiar hymn tunes we sing at Christmas.
 You will notice that each hymn has the tune (and alternate if needed) listed in the top corner of the page.   There are no notes that were present in the first Psalm Hymn book that I reviewed.

 28 hymns to bring us back to God during the Christmas season.   Isn't that just a marvellous thing?   NO really.. isn't it?  Imagine singing through the Psalms with the elderly or the sick, bringing that comfort from God's word. 

Want to grab this book and use it to sing hymns at Christmas time?  Well it's rather wonderful, they've made the font larger for ease in singing.  (who wants to squint while caroling eh?)  Makes it a great gift to give to seniors as well as the larger font is easier on the eyes you know?

Caroling Through The Psalms
LL Larkins
Capture Books
paperback, music, hymns, faith

 reviewed for: Capture Books

Where can you find it? Caroling through the Psalms. Caroling through the Psalms.

If you would like to follow some of the practices and ideas for singing the Carols, you can go to this group and join up. Facebook Psalm Hymns.

Group discounts are also available there.

They can buy their own copies for after-holiday-dinner-fun or for performances through CreateSpace:

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  1. Interesting looking books. Sometimes it is good to have that specialized selection, even if it is reprinted materials from a previous book.


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