Pearl Seeker: Seek What is Most Important

 Quote from the book "We all need hope, hope that God will fix our sorrows and relationships, hope that God will fix our children and their problems, hope that God will restore us to the family were we once belonged, and hope that God still loves us no matter what we have done." p.123
"We must love others like Jesus continues to love usWe must be on our toes and look for those that God sends our way."  (p.124)
 Consider the depth of God's love for us.  God loves us so much his son willingly died for us.  That's the depth of God's love.

So what do we do with that love? Accept it.
Let his love mean something, let it change us.

Consider most brand new Christians.  What do they do?
They tell everyone they know about the miracle that God has wrought in their lives.  As a result... the lives of their friends are changed.  The church grows.   Granted, it doesn't always work like that, sometimes faith has a cost. 

We need to consider what God has called us into though.
Not some random grouping, but into a family.
A family loves and cares for each other.
Accepting each others foibles, our weaknesses, our 'not having let go of sin' parts.
But as families go... we help each other along the way.
Jollying, encouraging, exhorting, teaching each other along the way. 

So keep your ears, eyes, feet, mouth and heart alert!   God might be sending a new family member your way, that you can help find their way home.

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  1. God's design is quite good, isn't it? I am so thankful for my family.


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