Always Remember

So this past weekend I was at the Breathe Conference. One of the workshops that I attended was one were they critiqued poems brought by the attendees.   I can't say they all resonated with me, but one of them did. And quietly sitting me burst out with "That was interesting".  I wish I could have kept a copy, but alas, it was a read poem with no copies available.

 Always Remember

I wish could remember
the words of yesterday.

Words that sunk into 
my heart.
Making me ponder,
feel and reminisce.

That made me burst out with
"that was interesting!"

As I sit here and ponder the longing within,
For a carefully written poem.
I ponder why I don't long to remember
the words of God
Etched upon my heart more clearly.

Why does one make me long for more?
Why do I forget the longing that brought 
the heart-etching?
I am moved to remember
the more important thing.
God's Word.  
Clearly written.
For me.

I don't need to long for words unattainable.
They are sitting right there.

Let me 
Always Remember.

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  1. Ooh - that is a good poem. We do so often forget the best - God's word.


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