Review: Psalm Hymns: Books 1,2,3

Do you love to sing scripture?  Singing back to God the words he gave to his people?

L.L. Larkin has come up with a book to do just that and I really really like it.  It is called :  Psalm Hymns, Books 1, 2, & 3: Dramatic, Contemplative, Singable, Recitable Psalms!

No boring unsingable tunes.  But simple easily recognized tunes with the words of the Psalms.    

Let me tell you more. 

I actually received two versions of this book, which appear to be identical within.  The only different being the cover.   You'll see the one cover here, and the other cover pictured below.

This book is FILLED with scripture written to the tune of familiar songs and hymns.

 Singing scripture to music is one of the best ways to learn scripture.  I remember when I was in bible college needing to memorize a great deal of scripture, I'd say them in my head until I got a tune going. That's the premise behind this book.  Put scripture to music, particularly familiar music and watch people learn the word of God.

Easy enough eh?

This first book goes up to Psalm 89 and has us singing the Psalms to the tunes of Rock of Ages, Jesus Loves Me. Jesus keep me near the cross and At Calvary.
Various notes are found after some of the psalms.  Some speak to how other musicians used the psalm in music, others to the message found in the passage.

I have to admit, I had some mixed thoughts about these notes.  I loved knowing how other artists used that particular psalm, but wasn't sure if it was really a part of a music book to also act a bit as a commentary.   Pros and cons right?  I liked what he had to say, but wondered if the book could be a bit shorter with less commentary.

 I found the words to the psalms followed the meaning of the Psalms quite nicely.  This book will be going into our "keep it" pile for use later on learning some Psalms.

IF you are music director in a church, or a sunday school leader or choir director you may find this book a boon to you as you strive to teach new music to your people.  Homeschool families with an emphasis on memorizing scripture may also find this book an aid in helping your students appreciate the beauty and teaching found within the Psalms.  Help them write God's word upon their hearts!

Title: Psalm Hymns, Books 1, 2, & 3: Dramatic, Contemplative, Singable, Recitable Psalms!
Author: L.L. Larkins
Series: Psalm Hymns
Publisher: Capture Books
Pages: 290
Type: music, psalter

Reviewed for: BookCrash 

Where can I find it? Psalm Hymns, books 1,2, 3 Psalm Hymns, Books 1, 2, & 3: Dramatic, Contemplative, Singable, Recitable Psalms!

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  1. Looking this up. We love to sing at home and I love to have my Bible class students singing scripture.

    1. I hope you can find it I really like this book and I'm pleased I get to review the Christmas version of it

  2. This is so cool. I bet all the brain synapses light up when we sing the living Word.


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