Precious Moments Collection

Precious Moments Collection

Precious Moments
Line the shelves.
Reminding me of 
the people I had 
In mind when I bought them

Brothers three
Sisters two

Moments in history
Caught in the figures.

But expenses catch up.
No more memories
Captured in figurines.

Precious Moments are captured.
In words
In pictures

Captured and
Precious Moments.

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate over at Five Minute FridayWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN (and this is the most important part) we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.

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  1. Annette, this is just lovely. I collected figurines, too, for awhile, to memorialize times and people...but all were lost, years ago.

    I'd like to think that God glued the broken bits back together, and they are waiting for me in Heaven.

    #1 at FMF this week.

    1. God helps us remember I find. The figurines become less and the sentiment more. :)

  2. Neat. Such a sweet collection.


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