Parenting Series: Foolishness

Foolishness, it's in all of us.  It's readily apparent in our children when they argue with us, when they insist on doing what they want, when one event seems the most important thing ever, and so forth.  Foolishness is evident everywhere.

So the question we need to ask, from what does foolishness stem from?   From the heart.

Proverbs 4:23 tells us "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Make the heart your priority.  ALWAYS.  Focus on the heart.  See the heart when you discipline your children, not just their actions, but their heart.

How do you do this?
1. remind yourself over and over and over's the heart you are after, not the actions.
2. lasting change ALWAYS happens through the heart. Always.  

You don't want to help create a stone heart, one that is hard and set.  You want your children to have soft hearts, malleable to the will of God. 

Knowing that you are a fool, parenting a fool, how then do you parent?
1. Glory.  Show your child a higher better glory.  Letting them see God's awesomeness so it will be easier for them to submit to God's law.  The more we see God the less apt we are to be foolish.
2. Wisdom.  Let your child see God's wisdom at work and how it far surpasses our own.  Tell your children how wonderful it is to rely on God's wisdom.
3. Story.   Tell the story of Jesus over and over and over again. Tell of how he's acted in your life and the lives of people you know.   Make sure they know the stories of faith. 
4. Welcome.  Oh.. let them know how God gives them welcome.  How he invites them. Tell them that message of salvation over and over and over again.

But mostly remember this.  God is a God of grace.  He freely extends it. His grace is always extended toward his children of faith.

 Want to follow along?  Amazon affiliate links below.  Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

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