Review: Beekeeper's Lab

Do you know what we discovered the other day?   A BEE's Nest!!!!   In our own backyard!   It wasn't a honeybee, just a normal bumblebee... doesn't matter though, the lad and I were so excited, and we carefully covered up the nest again (and reinforced it with other wood). When Gramma stopped in the afternoon, she was delighted as well and had the lad show her where the bee lived.   We like having easy going bees flitting about the house, so imagine our delight when the "Beekeeper's Lab" showed up in the mail!  :)

Kim Lehman is an author who knows bees well, having been a hobby beekeeper for 20 years and a contributing author to various bee publications and coordinating the Kids and Bees program.  She writes with a desire not only to teach, but help people really learn and see the beauty that can be found in all aspects of care-taking bees.

Her book has 8 chapters, covering everything you can think of in the world of keeping bees.  Each section is called a lab and can be everything from information to an experiment or art project that you can do. From providing the bees a safe home to working with beeswax and honey. It closes with a whole section on how to be helpful to bees.  This is a very informative and fun book about beekeeping.

Each page is filled with tons of images to delight and inform.  The images further explain the well written text enabling you to complete each project well.
Help bees find a home

How to make fire starters
On almost every page you will find a supply list, bee buzz (Tidbits of information about bees), Fun with Kids, how to take it further, and a safety note (only if required). 
All these helpful features make the Beekeeper's Lab a very helpful and informative book.  I am actually looking at sourcing out some of these materials to do a co-op class since alas.. I have no bees from which to take honey or wax.  :)  I think it would be fun to make honey sticks and beeswax art.  To help youth make smoker bundles and bee bread.  Learning about bees, their importance, their usefulness to mankind and how to protect them is vitally important to our food chain.  Keep the bees, keep the food, sustain life.   A good thing that!

I wonder if anyone will join me in making a wax candle holder?
Or perhaps make a whole host of the other crafts and projects found within the pages of this marvellous book all about bees?   52 different ideas.  Pick and choose or do one activity a week for a whole year!  :)  You will find activities that will challenge your teens or delight the littles and everyone in between.  Science, art, bee care, 52 different labs to entertain, delight, educate and inspire everyone in your family.

The Beekeeper's Lab: 52 Family Friendly Activities and Experiments Exploring the Life of the Hive.
Author: Kim Lehman.
Publisher: Quarry
144 pages
250 photos
8.5 x 8.5 inches
Reviewed for: The Quarto Group
Where can you find this treasure trove?

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  1. How interesting! What a joy to have the book show up to enhance that naturally occurring opportunity to learn.

    1. it's a great book. Bees are cool little critters.

  2. Looks like so much fun. I've been curious about keeping bees but so far haven't talked anyone else here into trying it. Not that I have time . . .

    1. I think it would neat to keep busy

  3. Love this! We are beekeepers and have been for about 7 years (my son started his apiary in 2011). I just wanted to post that I've tried the beeswax candle holders myself with our own beeswax and I ended up with beeswax exploding EVERYWHERE when the balloon popped. I tried it 3x and each time ended with the same result. Me, holding a popped balloon with beeswax on my glasses, shirt, stove, etc. It was a mess! Thanks for sharing this post. It brought back many memories for me!

    1. Oh my i can imagine the mess.


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