Canada Book: Canada My Country

 Busy clearing out some book shelves and thought I'd share some of the books we've enjoyed over the years.   Canada My Country is a work book with stories.

Read a story or an article on some aspect of Canada, and then do a short worksheet.

Six separate units covering topics like Canada's Political Map, It's Physical Map, The Symbols of Canada, Our Government, the Freedoms of Canada and some outstanding Canadians.

Twenty seven lessons contained within 75 pages.

Geared for up to about grade four.  It's an easy book to pull out the information that you want, with permissions for a single teacher to replicate pages for her students as needed.

It's been a helpful book for us over the years.   If studying Canada with younger children this book will come in very helpful to you.  :)

The pages are easy to do and the information short enough

 As you can see.. short selections, easy worksheets the fit the level of elementary aged children.

Published by Northwoods Press, written by Donna Ward.

Where To Find? Canada, my country: Social studies for elementary grades - Canada, my country: Social studies for elementary grades

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  1. I like geography books like this - small bites that are easy to absorb and study. Looks like a good one.

    1. it was a good one. I was pleased to have used it. :)


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