Review: Quick Tips for Busy Families

 Okay... I have rather neat parenting book for you.  It's not a "normal" parenting book with do this, do that, this is how you parent effectively, but like a "try this neat idea to add some fun", or "try this idea to make your children think" or "how about this thing to create a smile or some lasting memories.".   So let me tell you about "Quick Tips for Busy Families: Sneaky Strategies for Raising Great Kids".

All kinds of ideas are waiting for you in the pages of this Busy Families Tips book.  144 of them to be precise.  

Each parenting hack is only 1-2 pages long and is written with a touch of humour, a good deal of humility and drop of seriousness depending on the topic at hand.   I appreciated the real life situations given, and the light touch.   I never felt like I was being talked down, rather like I was being encouraged to think outside the box in regards to how to parent.   I quickly came to the conclusion that he was used to parents with multiple children as I didn't come across many situations dealing with a singleton child. 

All 144 chapters are listed.   I found topics listed that normally you don't find in parenting books, like how to deal with difficult teachers, setting a high bar for your children, the benefits of adding art to your family and more.

God was frequently brought into the conversation, not in every hack, but frequently enough to know that faith is part of the equation.

Is it worth getting?
 I don't know honestly.  It was a fun quick read but I don't know that I would refer back to it or tell people they had to get it, but it wasn't a waste of my time either. 

Some of the tips sent me into a "I have to ponder that a while" mood...and that's not a bad thing eh?

I would definitely say that if you find it in a library, or or able to do a quick read at Chapters (or another book store), avail yourself of the opportunity. 

Quick Tips for Busy Families: Sneaky Strategies for Raising Great Kids
Author: Jay Payleitner
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
237 Pages
Type: Parenting   

Reviewed for: Nutsaboutbooks. 

Where to find: Quick Tips for Busy Families: Sneaky Strategies for Raising GreatKids Quick Tips for Busy Families: Sneaky Strategies for Raising Great Kids

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