God Alone is Enough

Thinking about the word enough and I'm brought back to mind these words from the Ezekiel Study that I am doing. As the glory of the Lord entered the temple by the gate facing east, the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

Filled the temple.   That's what God's glory did.  It FILLED the place.

Do you think that was enough?

It should be I think...but so many people don't see the enoughness of God.   They don't see the filling that he does.

They look to so many other things to fill themselves up with, things like... money, people, relationships, stuff and so much more.   

But I've observed in the people I see (and in myself as well) that when I look to anything OTHER THAN God for satisfaction, for that feeling that I have enough, nothing truly gives me that feeling.   That feeling of enough.

I see myself raising my boy and seeing how I am fairly sure that I fail him...and then seeing how God uses me to meet the needs he has, the training that he requires, and I realize that, in God I am (along with his dad), enough to lead him to making right choices for God. 
Still, seeing my enoughness in God, his enoughness in me, to meet that tasks that he sets before me... I still often feel the failure and the want.

It's a tough one sometimes, to believe my claim, that he is enough....Cause I know it as a surety that he is, but sometimes.. I want to trust my own abilities more than his enoughness.

Oh, that I might learn more surely.. that God is Alone is Enough. 

This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate.  Today the word is Enough..   What is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.

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  1. Oh Annette - yes, yes, yes. I know God is enough but it is so easy to use that inner voice I have to make myself doubt. You did a lovely job with this post.

    1. thank you Lori... It was hard to put my thoughts into words.

  2. Great thoughts, Annette. It'shard to see how God might NOT be enough, but I've been working on a theory, that we crave some of the other things...relationships, stuff, etc...because at their best they are the most tangible symbols we can see of the ALmighty.

    They aren't acquired to fill some vast emptiness, but to fill in, at least in part, the God-sized hole we all carry with us.

    As such, they aren't 'bad', and while they are no substitute, the may well play the role of 'part of the enough'...and may be intended that way by the Almighty.

    #1 at FMF this week.


    1. God is always enough... he might meet some of our needs through the things he provides for us (family, feed, shelter etc). but he is always the instigator of our needs our "ENOUGHNESS" being met.

  3. Great words, Annette! I've gone around this word with the Lord many times over the years. I think you nailed it. When we find our enough-ness in God, believing that He loves us, that He fills our lack, and we believe He is the One who fills us completely, then we will live satisfied and at peace with ourselves.

    And I'm with you on the raising of boys. In and of myself (and even with my Hubs), we are not enough. The thing I take comfort in is that God will fill in the gaps we leave in our boys' hearts in our raising of them. He is the perfect Parent, isn't He? Great post!

    1. thank you Jeanne... I have to trust he'll fill in the gaps. :)


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