Five Things we Enjoy: Work at Your Own Pace

Did you know that my son suggested this series to me. I was asking him what homeschooling theme I should write about and he tossed out "Why don't you talk about what I like mom?" I thought that was a great idea so here we are. :)

The VERY FIRST thing he said was "you should tell them how much I like working as fast or as slow as I want to mom".

When I asked the lad why this was important he said "I'm not rushed or slowed down.   I don't have to worry about rushing or slowing anyone else down either." 
This is very important to my 11 year old "I want to keep people happy" young man.  Being able to work at his own speed (with the odd reminder) is extremely important to him.  He can take a break when he wants to and play with a mouse.   He can work extremely hard and be done by 11-12, or be more leisurely and finish at 2.  It's all good in my book.  Applying outside pressure has an adverse effect on him.
I have to admit that I am sometimes flabbergasted at how quickly, a highly focused lad who has plans for the afternoon, can get his schoolwork done.   He's going to sew, work with his cactus, go pokemon going with Dad or just whatever catches his fancy.   

It makes me think of how last year I would ask him (as we daily planned out our day) what goals he had for the day.  It helped keep the air clear of the unknowns and gave him a goal to work toward.  I would help him meet his goals and he would help me meet mine...and together we learn that tomorrow is always another day.

But then we have days when ... it seems like we'll never get done.  Everything is a problem or a distraction or too hard or just wrong.. you know those nit picky things in programs that just drive you nuts. ... and suddenly that molehill has become an insurmountable mountain.   Those days are harder to manage so we learned a new rule.  If we are not done by 2 (if a lad has been working all along) then we are simply done. 

He works off this
He puts X's beside what he's not doing (after consultation with mom) and check marks beside what is finished.   This is just our basic schedule and we change it around a bit depending on the week.. like this Thursday I'm hoping to go to the market.   So we'll "X" out a bunch of things OR I'll simply delete them from the schedule... HE LOVES those empty days.  :)

I've tried to do fancier schedules but he gets aggravated or discouraged when there's too much detail on the list.  He hates using a book.  So a simple print off schedule that he can mark up to his hearts content works for him (and I have it saved to the computer for easy tracking).

So what is it like in your schoolroom?   Do you find that your children work best with a basic schedule and leaving them to it?   Or do they work better using a different format?  Tell me about it if you don't mind.
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  1. Looks like a great system for helping him manage his time and work at his own pace. That's something that all of my kids have especially appreciated about homeschooling too.

  2. All three of my kids are so different. My son likes to know what is expected of him. My middle daughter likes to make her own schedule and stick to it. All of us appreciate the flexibility it allows us to have.

    1. What does your third child like Jennifer?

  3. My daughter likes to write down the schedule at the beginning of the year and stick with it. If we need to make a change we discuss it ad nauseum before she allows me to change it. But then keeping things timely is another matter. I have to cut her off after a reasonable amount of time because she has no concept of time.

    1. wow...she plans it out early eh? Good thing you help her to do more than school. A good thing that.

  4. What a good way to do a schedule. And it works for him, which is the best part! - Lori


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