Relationships... Oh man... relationships are hard between people. So I am wondering what this chapter has in store today.
On page 28 I find this quote "The Godhead's relationship is our model of relationships. From eternity past God (Trinity) has set the pattern for relationships. The relationship within the Trinity is intimate and close. As there is harmony in the God-head, there can be harmony in a marriage relationship. God intends and desires for us to experience it. We are to look to God for this perfect pattern".
Within the Trinity, unity is the norm. This is what we should strive for in our marriages.
As people we are to strive to be like Jesus Christ.
Like Christ, we need to submit our will to God. Following his way and pattern. As natural as it is for us to want to think first to our own needs and wants, we must put that aside and look to Jesus and how to live for him.
That means putting aside ourselves to heed our husbands desires, to be kind to him, to be open and honest in your relationship with him and more.
But not only the wife, as the wife seeks to live for the Lord, so her husband seeks the same. Learning to be open and honest, leading and guiding as the Lord would have him do.
I have to admit... I struggle with this chapter (though I suppose we all do eh?) The 'me' in me wanting to fight for it's own way. It's a regular battle.. not to love my hubby, cause I do. But to show that love in tangible ways... making meals, going for walks, talking and listening, giving head and shoulder rubs, and showing care in all the little ways one can show they care. Sometimes it's hard to leave MY STUFF in order for his needs and concerns to be met.
I so often lose that battle.
But the more I ask myself these questions, the easier I think it will be.
1. How do I glorify God in my relationship with my hubby?
2. How can I walk in a manner pleasing to God?
3. How can I live for Christ this day? This minute?
Seeking the softer way, the quieter way, the humbler way.. instead of the what do I want, need, desire, demand way.
What about you?
If you want to follow along in this series, you can find the books via Amazon Affiliate Links: The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective
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