Review: Let's Explore ... Mountain

Today I have this cute, well-done children's book for all you about mountains!  Put together by Lonely Planet Kids so you know it is a quality book.     Let's Explore... Mountain is an interactive book with stickers, puzzles and activities.

So let me tell you about this great book, it's a bigger sized book with a whole variety of ideas to intrigue and delight your 8-12 year olds. 

They will find themselves introduced to a number of mountains from around the world, as well as the gear you need to climb them, the animals you might see, and different activities you can do on them.

Imagine Cherry blossoms in Japan with Mount Fuji, or skiing down hills of black sand in Nicaragua, or let's visit the snowy peaks of the Matterhorn.

 With over 250 stickers to use, dot to dot, colouring, multiple choice questions and a host of other activities, your children will be kept busy learning about the mountains of the world.   Geared more for 8-10 according to my lad, it is an entertaining book.
 If doing some learning about mountains, this book should prove to be helpful to you in your studies.  Learning, reading,'s a good mix don't you think?  :)

Let's Explore....Mountain
Put together by Lonely Planet Kids

9.11 x 12.13
60 pages
Ages 8-12 years

Reviewed for: Raincoast Books Lonely Planet Let's Explore...  Mountain 1st Ed. Lonely Planet Let's Explore... Mountain (Lonely Planet Kids)


  1. Love the bright color artwork in this one! Very cute

    1. I know, it's bright and interesting

  2. Looks like a fun book! It would be great to take on a road trip or use for a world geography study.

    1. It is a neat book. I learned much.

  3. I will have to check this out for my daughter. It looks like there is a lot of really fun and interactive things with this book. Good way to learn about geography too.

    1. If you find it I hope your daughter likes it.

  4. That looks fun! I love that Lonely Planet is putting together books for kids.


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