Purpose in Blogging

Recently I have been reading that if a person wants to have a successful blog they need to be great right from the start, honing their craft right from the very beginning.  That if they don't have great material right from the beginning that they might as well not bother, cause all people will remember them for is their less than stellar work.

Do we really have that much expectations of people?

To expect perfection right from the beginning?   Do we not allow learning curves anymore?   Why do we put so  much pressure on folks?

All this information out there on this is the way to a bang buster blog.....but you have to do it all just so and write perfectly and have great graphics, and pin everyone else materials and .... the list goes on.

So much pressure to do it all correctly or .... the message is....don't bother or expect only for others be noticed or bothered about cause that first impression is all that matters.

I find that sad.

What about seeing what the true purpose is....honing a skill, sharing information important to the blogger, teaching/giving a reader new information.
Walking your way through what is most important to that person.
Knowing that telling folks to do it all perfectly right from the start is the only way to go, or you might as well forget about it.

Is there  one grace allowed, no time or gradual growth?   Should one really give up if they haven't perfected the craft in blogging before they even begin?

Is there really no point?  No purpose?

Sometimes I wonder....


This is a five minute Friday post. the word prompt is brought to us by Miss Kate.  Today the word is purposeWhat is Five Minute Friday?  Well it's a party of a group of like minded folks who gather on Friday to do a five minute free write around a singular word.  AND THEN we take the time to offer up encouragement to each other on this writing journey.  It's fun, though it's not always easy, but it is always good.   Come join us won't you?  You are always welcome.


  1. So much "YES!" in this post! thank you for sharing.
    Your FMF neighbor, down the block. :)

  2. We were thinking on the same lines today! And I definitely don't think we should expect perfection from the beginning. I had no idea what I was doing when I started blogging and though I have learned so much over the last 18 months it is still far from perfect. God can still use our words- even if they make a difference to one or two people that is still important.

    1. thank you. it's a learning process isn't it?

  3. After 8 years of blogging I will gladly tell you I've missed the mark. I don't do many of the things a blogger who has been sharing as long as I have does. For me, it's about writing because I feel the Lord me to, and building a community with people I may never meet. Like you! I love blogging for this reason. I am far from perfect. Happy Friday!

    1. I like to blog to, sometimes I want to increase my blog and its readership but what I read leaves me thinking that I shouldn't bother trying, since I haven't done that from the beginning. It's hard to balance eh.

  4. You blog quite well! There is much grace to be found for all of us. I think those who expect perfection from the start have the wrong starting point, and they're headed for the wrong goal. I can tell that your goal is to encourage others, and to share the love of Christ - that is definitely a part of your overall purpose!
    Love you dear friend!

    1. Thanks Carol... I'm glad that shows through. :)

  5. Anette, I guess we have to determine our motives for blogging and then determine what makes us "successful." I've been blogging for just over four years, and my biggest hope is that people come away from my blog encouraged, and maybe, just maybe drawing a little closer to Jesus. I think it's unrealistic to expect to blog perfectly from the beginning. Very few people get it right even within the first month. I think you find what works for you and do it. If people comment a lot on a certain post, that indicates what your readers are interested in. If they comment on a certain feature of your blog, then count that as one thing done right. I'm sorry someone laid on you the burden of perfection. Unless you are aiming for millions of followers, I would really evaluate the advice to do it perfectly. Most blogs grow over time.

    Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. :) Good post. :)

    1. thank you Jeanne...truly...sometimes I just feel like I've left things too late...but time will see what happens eh?

  6. Some people may be out for perfection from the very beginning but I would much rather follow a blogger that is growing and is real with their audience.

    1. that's kinda my thinking as well... at the same time I can appreciate those who have honed their skill. :)


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