Pajamas Are Optional

The Homeschool Review Crew does word prompts for Instagram fun, I think it's great to have these words prompts for doing quick posts.  :)   I find them fun as sometimes it surprises me where my brain goes.  :)

The word for today is Pajamas.  Let's follow my brain where it goes eh?

Pajamas are optional!

When I went to school one of my roommates didn't wear pajamas!   WOW what a shock to this naive country girl.  

For a while I steered clear of that young lady thinking how odd she was... 

It took me a while to realize this fundamental truth... She was a nice girl.  She really was and we became friends (can you believe it!?!?!).  Despite our differences and the shock it was to me at the time...

So when I saw this word, that friendship came back to me and reminded me of this truth....

There are many things in life that optional.

How one approaches life.
How one appears to others.
What our attitude toward life is..
Along with ....
The food we eat.
The clothes we wear (or don't).
The people we spend time with. 
The expressions we wear on our faces.

The question we need to ask ourselves is this...
Can we love the person who is before us?

How can we look past the differences to see the person that God has created?

It's not always an easy thing... when one is faced with unwashed bodies, a different skin tone, a manner of address, a gaping mouth, a stern expression, a hidden body clothing style, or the opposite indeed.

Seeing the person within is sometimes a challenge.

Can we see what is optional and what is important?

Something to work on together eh?


  1. What an interesting lesson prompted by the word "pajamas"! It's sometimes a stretch for us to be comfortable with others who have very different ways of doing things than what we are used to. But some of my best friends do things differently from me, and I've learned from them too. :-)

    1. it was a great lesson for me to learn in my early adulthood and has served me well to this day. :)

  2. Very true! Everyone makes different choices and has various options. our differences make the world more unique and special

  3. I went to school with a guy who wore flannel pajama bottoms to school before it was a thing to do. I used to think he was so odd, but your roommate takes the cake!

    1. I don't know.... I look back now and think...we really aren't all that different. :) It's just clothes right?

  4. That's a good story, with a great moral. Thank you. =]

    1. thanks. :) I find these word prompt posts incredibly fun to do. :)

  5. What an interesting way to spark a post! This is definitely something to work on.

    1. I know... Thanks for stopping in. :)

  6. That young lady had no idea the impression she was making on you and yet, it is such a wonderful object lesson for us all these years later! Thank you for the thought provoking post.

    1. I am so glad that she didn't have a clue....and that we became friends. It was good


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