Independence at Work

 This has over all been a pretty good week for us schooling.  It had it's ups and down with health issues and hubby needed to work through a disappointment.   We had a funeral at the end of the week for a dearly loved member of our former church.   With a new schedule made for his schooling it has furthered the lad's independence
Introduced chore chart and new schedule.
Started learning about Saturn and how it is the only planet that would float, it is gaseous, has storms, Galileo thought the rings looked like handles because of the poor quality of his telescope.
Weekly visit to Gramma
Hubby and I had a lovely walk on this warmish winter day in the park...we caught some pokemon and just enjoyed the quiet of the park together.
I sold a rabbit who didn't seem to be able to have babies, she's gone to the kind of home I wanted for her.  A rabbit experienced home.  Their first rabbit is dying and they wanted to have a new bun to love on when their first passed away.  BrightSparrow should be a good girlie for them.

Big job today!   The lad is going to cook his first meal for the family!!!

POUTINE!!!  The lad wants to try poutine for the first time ever and it's an easy meal for a lad to make so off we went.  We bought the poutine gravy, fries and cheese curds.

Foodbank this morning.
The lad wrote his first ever research paper... did it on the blog, also learned how to embed video, copy and paste from a website and is learning about citing sources.   Writing in his own words yet...that is still to come...though he's starting.  :)
Started our human body experiment.  Have to admit, I don't have high hopes for this working well....

Struggle to do multipliers and division in word problems apparent.
Played Sabateur as a family.

Oh.. what did we do today?   I finished  cleaning up the book room.
The lad did his normal schooling... got done 20 minutes early.
The lad wrote a letter for his Waodani assignment today. He was supposed to write for 15 minutes but liked his assignment so much he kept going til it was done.  This is a review product from Home School Adventure Co., you'll need to stay tuned for a review.
Worked on making his helmet better for his Knight's outfit.

Started to learn how to play the "game of life".

We've been learning about Canada's woodlands and seaways this week, today it was the St. Lawrence Seaway.   Did you know it would take 8 days of sailing to cover it all?

Funeral today with a luncheon.
I had planned to do a Rocket Experiment and testing his improvement of his story grammar, but that didn't happen.  He did do his veritas history and bible and got his reading done.
Karate and board games along with a movie day.   Just a nice day together.

 Art Series: One Last Word.   A great book based on Harlem renaissance.  Poetry, Art.
 Silver Soldiers.   Christian comic book

Faith and Life
 Showers of Blessing.  Devotion on Ezekiel 34:25-31
 Thoughts on Being ... Safe.   Word prompt post. A poem.
 The Lord Seeks his own.   Devotion on Ezekiel 34:11-24
The Prayer Saturated family, a book study, chapter one
 Should Shepherds not feed the sheep?   Devotion on Ezekiel 34:1-10
 Recipe: Seasoned Teriyaki Chicken.
 Come and Hear.   Devotion on Ezekiel 33:21-33
 The Building of DaVinci's Clock.
 The Raven.   The Lad's first written report ever.  Much learned, much to learn yet.
 D is Dogsledding in Canada.   Blogging alphabet series.
 Hymn Study: For the Beauty of the Earth.  

  Linking up at the following Places:
Homeschool Highlights.
Family Friday Link Ups:
Weird Unsocialized homeschoolers: Weekly Wraps Up.
Homeschool blog and tell.


  1. Hooray for growing independence! Glad that you're seeing that progress. :-)

  2. Yay for independence, that is our aim right? Thanks so much for linking up at #familyfriday we appreciate it! We hope you come back next week.

    1. it's just fun to see him organize his days more and more. he switches things around so they work for his benefit which is neat to see.

  3. I am enjoying seeing his growth, both in his risks (making dinner) and likes (swords and knights). Keep up the good work with him. - Lori

    1. he's a good boy to raise Lori.


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