
Affiliate Links are used in this post. They cost you nothing & help me with my family needs. 

I've been a member at for so long I can't even really remember when I started, I know it was from before I started working with the Homeschool Review Crew.    I have used different program with them throughout the years and each year they add more courses to their Yearly Membership.   

Recently I wrote a post talking about the courses I am planning to use with my son this year, You can find that post here.  It will be good to round out our studies with these interesting courses. 

I got to reading through some of the other courses, looking for anything that might interest me and guess what?   I found a couple.

This one on Digital Art and Product Designs for Small Business. 50 Lessons once a week to put my creative skills to good use learning to make better graphics for my blog posts.   Doesn't that sound great?   I feel rather inadequate sometimes as I lack confidence and natural eye for making graphics.

I have a lad who enjoys history so I've been questing around for a history program I can use once he's gone through all the Veritas Press history program.    To that end I've discovered a what I think will be a good gap program.   This Day in History.  Learning on new history fact a day/week depending on how I use it.   Just the kind of thing to intrigue the lad.   

It's actually rather hard to choose as there are over 300 courses that you can take.   ALL for one low yearly fee.

Just look at all these different categories!
Divided into Elementary, Middle School and Highschool for your ease in finding courses that interest you.    I am thinking they might want to offer some adult courses as well, though I have to admit those grade 12 courses are intriguing.  :) has never let me down in the quality of what they offer.  They have so many different courses to choose from, that you can even use one to compliment another.

Their recent upgrade lends itself to a beautiful website, that is easy to navigate. One of the nicest features is the "can I help you" customer support button.   Ready and willing to help you at varied times throughout the day.  One night I was working at it was past 9 pm. and someone was there to help!  I was stunned!   Kind helpful people willing to help you find just the course you want.

The Homeschool Review Crew has been busy reviewing this company and it's yearly membership.   Do check them out by clicking the image below or by following this link.

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Discount Promotion Graphics

Beautiful new look, easier to use and over 300+classes and tutorial videos to help you get started.

Join during's Super Christmas Sale and Save!

Use Code:CHRISTMAS for $9.95/month or CHRISTMASYEAR for $90/year.

50% discount on upcoming price increase ends: 15 January 2017

In mid-January, is having a price increase. The promotion is to LOCK IN NOW at the $9.95/month rate so that you save 50% on the NEW prices. In about a week and a half this same monthly service will be $19.95/month--approximately twice as much!

So if you are considering membership.  Click here.  Please don't delay, you don't want to be stuck with the higher membership fee.  :)


  1. We love SchoolhouseTeachers and use it as a great supplement. It could so easily cover every single thing we need to educate the girls, though. Such a complete and versatile site! - Lori


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