Review: the Christmas Angel Project

A group of women, held together by the love of member.  She dies, leaving behind a group devastated by her loss.   Will they stick together or will the group dissolve?

Abby, Belinda, Cassidy, Grace and Louisa were five good friends who helped each other and enjoyed each others company.   Abby called her friends her "four angels" and when she passed away she left behind Christmas gifts... one angel for each of her friends.

Her friends chose to form "The Christmas Angel Project", where they anonymously chose to help a variety of individuals... art therapy, pet care, fashion shows and more.

A simple gift... an angel with a scripture verse, changed the lives of four women forever.

It was a simple quiet read with smiles of delight as these four women reached out and learned and trusted God and grew more into the people God was calling them to be.

It's a simple feel-good book that might inspire some to try something different in their own lives and to rely on God to see them through.

Written by: Melody Carlson
Published by: Revell
Pages: 167
Type: fiction, Christian

Reviewed for: Nuts about Books

Where can you find it?


  1. Sounds like a simple read that was touching. Might have to look for it just for the fun of reading it. - Lori

    1. it was a very simple read... I was looking for it today to give to my mom but it's found it's way to places unknown....


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