Homeschool Conference for Free?

This person has posted a way to get into a Homeschool conference for free.

From her site:
Want To Go To Your Homeschool Convention for FREE?

This is a wonderful opportunity! If you have a homeschool convention coming up that you would like to attend but your budget is a little tight, TOS may be able to help. Want TOS to pay your way in?

TOS will pay for your full entry to the convention if you are willing to pick up business cards from the speakers and vendors at the convention. Once TOS gets your package and short written report, you'll be reimbursed for your full entry.

Contact Gena first and make arrangements because TOS doesn't want to pay for more than one person's entry per conference. Anyone interested can email Gena at and put CONFERENCE in the subject line.

Help get the word out! The more conferences covered the better.

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