Hymn Study: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

I have to admit, I waffled a bit today on which hymn study to do.  O perfect love or this one, and thought this one better suited for this Remembrance Day Sunday.  The service we were at this morning changed some of the lyrics and played the song at an odd cadence, but it was good to sing a song I haven't for a while.  

This song has been attributed to Francis of Assissi. He was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher.  He cared for the poor and sick, preached sermons to animals and considered all creatures brothers and sisters under God.  He is the patron saint of animals and ecology.

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon Lord
And where there's doubt, true faith in you
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there's sadness ever joy
Oh, master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
It isn't pardoning that we are pardoned
In giving to all men let we receive
And in dying that we're born to eternal life
Oh, master

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  1. This is a beautiful, peaceful melody with very touching lyrics. We sing a song that has similar words at the beginning but the melody is very different. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I think it's interesting how many songs have different Tunes depending on where you are in the world


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