Book Study Choices

So here's the scoop, you know how I went to a writers' conference?  Had fun, bit overwhelming, but overall it was FUN!  And.... I've recently finished reading A Pearl Seeker and have been wondering what my next book project should be.  

I picked up a writing book there (Writing Tools) and  recently Raincoast sent me a book called "Pep Talks for Writers" and then I have a book that I got called On Being a Writer.  I looking through these books I thought, hey...might be fun to do a series on writing.  

Thought maybe, I'll do it on Thursday, and just kinda skip around bit. I'll learn something, you'll learn something and that's a wonderful thing is is not?  Should be fun especially when I was looking through Pep Talks and came across this line that I like

Neat line eh? It spurs on my thoughts, about writing how I want to write and not doing what others expect.   It's good to have that self-assurance eh?  Can't say I'm completely there yet, but ah... I want to be!  :)

Of course a bit of a monkey in the wrench is this book: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. This book is tugging on my heart strings as it's honestly really hard to decide what to do eh?   

Maybe, ah, just maybe I'll have to just share from whatever book grabs my fancy each week?  Hard to decide, when I have so many options to choose from eh?

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