Fun Friday: Mudworks Part One

Did you know that I am teaching an art class at my homeschool groups Co-op days?   The class is called Mudworks.

I have this cool book (called Mudworks) that I did a art book post on... hold on while I find that. Ah, here it is.  Anyways, when I looked at this book I thought, how much run would it be to do this with a mixed ages class, so when HOPE days came up  I said SURE, I'll do this!  :)

21 kids in my class!!!!!   It's loud and noisy and a whole lot of fun...though admittedly... if I don't really understand a recipe in the book, it lends me well to mental confusion...but that's part of the fun of the class right?

Anyways, for day one we worked with.... MUD!  :)

I grabbed up some garden dirt and offered the kids a challenge... see how much water you need to add to one cup of dirt to make it workable.   You need to be able to build a sculpture from the dirt.  I was ATTEMPTING to teach a bit of the scientific method but forgot one important factor... 6 year olds just want to be play in the mud.... :)

We also made cotton ball and flour sculptures but I don't really know how they turned out...they had to dry.  So time will tell eh?   And hey.... it'll be a post for another day.  

A preliminary glimpse for you though.

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  1. Love the idea of using that book as the basis for the art class. How much fun!

    1. It is indeed Lori...just a hoot

  2. What a fun idea! Kids and mud go together well.

  3. That stuff looks so wet it will never dry! LOL

    1. i actually wasn't worried on it drying, I simply took pictures and let them die a quiet death. :)

  4. haha!! How fun!! Are they dry yet? ;-)

    1. They were very fun. The children are enjoying themselves.


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