Because I Said So

My lad and I were talking the other day about how he HATES IT when parents say do it, or stop it, or whatever it ... BECAUSE I said so.  So having the word prompt gives me a chance to talk about that conversation a bit.
Because I Said So

"I hate it" he said
"I hate it indeed"
"When you or another adult
say that word to me".

"Why," I inquired
"Do you hate it so?"
"What's wrong with the words
Because I say so?"

"It gives me no information,
No reason, no why."
He explained.
"It just says because I said so"

"Ah," I replied
"Sometimes no reason is needed
and that's why it's said"
No reason at all.

"But mom, that's not fair"
My son added on
"I have to give a reason, 
So why shouldn't you"?

I acceded that my lad had a point. 
If I expect one thing from him
Why should I not model the same?
And then I remembered a reason I have!

"My son, but you know, quicker
thinking you are."
Sometimes I say "because I said so" 
because my brain the reason can't find.

And so he agreed, that reason did work
"But MOM you must try!"
And So I agreed.
Easy is not best.

So give it your all, 
not the easiest way.
Teach your children WHY
A reason do give.
Because that's how they learn.

Train up a child in the way he should go
And when he is old he will not depart from It.

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  1. The why is so super important for some children, isn't it? But, they don't always get the why so learning to function without it is important, too.


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