School has started!

Our school year is kicking back into full time, but for this first week... not a heavy schedule.    I changed up how I do the schedule this year.. putting in a column that covers everything I want to cover this year, then I can write on the individual days what needs doing.  
We always change it up even after I type it up.. for instance.. Writing Radar he wants to do five days a week (go figure he likes it!!!)

This first week though we have stuff I want to get done though, ergo needing the lad's assistance, ergo a less heavy schedule.

For instance, we cleaned the garage out so we had a whack of garbage to load into the van.   I'm going to get rid of all the metal lying around the house and yard, and I want to get the trailer done and put away, so needing to cut new carpet and mold the reflectix panels around the windows, put in the clean dishes and just get it all organized again for traveling camping in the fall and next summer.  The lad can help with this and still get his schooling done and research project for the week done. 

Things accomplished this week:
I made $25.60.  Doesn't seem like much until you think.. If I had to bring it to the dump... $60 OUT of my pocket to dump it. 

 The Lad did some learning, and checked a few things off the schedule above.  BUT he also kept himself busy with making fire starters, candles and ant farms.

See that big bare patch of dirt?   That used to be filled with steel, wood bits and other stuff that tends to accumulate around the yard of a house.  WOOT WOOT!   Got that cleaned up!!!  In case you are wondering...the cinder block has since been moved as well.

 What else... Oh.... we got the garage most cleaned.  I emptied a closet from the guest room, did the regular household stuff, did some blogging ahead and more stuff.
It was a busy week, but not overly stressful... God blessed us with a goodly amount of rain that kept me from overtaxing myself!  

One of my joys this week was holding a newborn baby bunny.  

 As you can tell we did a lot of physical work this week but I also found time to work on the blog.

Posts you may have missed:
Field trip to Gettysburg national military park.  from our time in Pennsylvania.
Poetry of Work.   five minute Friday post on word prompt work.
Pearl seeker: I gotta be me. book study on Being a Pearl Seeker.
Devotional on Romans 11:1-10.  Grace would no longer be grace...
Art book: 1, 2,3 I can Sculpt.   Good book for younger children about learning to sculpt.
Canada Book: Jasper explores the Pacific Coast.   neat picture book about Canada.
Devotional on Romans 9:30-10:4.  Faith Matters
Keeping it all straight when doing Reviews.   How I do homeschool review crew reviews. 
Hymn Study: Come to the Saviour. good invitational hymn.

Is there anything better than candy? box tract.

Linking up with: 
Kym at Homeschool Highlights.
Weird Unsocialized homeschoolers
Homeschool Nook
Homeschool blog and tell.
Encouraging hearts and homes.
Friday funnies, flops and fails.

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  1. I like the way you did your schedule and congrats on the clean-up and money received. Of course, the baby bunny is just too adorable!

    1. Thanks I love my baby bunnies but making a mild change to the schedule flummox the lad for a day or so and then He adjusted


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