Keeping it all straight when doing reviews

The question was recently raised on one of the review boards that I am part of, how do you remember to do a review, not forget anything important and such like?   I thought I'd post what do in hopes that it might encourage (or help) others.

First thing I do for Homeschool Review Crew reviews is to check the board to see if my name is on it.   Then I put on google calendar when the review is due.
By putting them in the calendar right away I know that I won't be over committing myself for what are generally big reviews.

I then start a draft post on my blog.

This allows me to fit my other material around my reviews so I don't have a series of just reviews posting on my blog.  I can space things out a bit.

I also put things like my disclaimer, and other required items in immediately.  That way I know I have the right links and images.
Then it's just a matter of time, using the material and talking about it with other homeschoolers until the review is due.   Adding comments and thoughts along the way.
I also utilize an app called simple note for quickly jotting down thoughts and ideas while out and about with the lad.   Simple note is very easy to use and is good ONLY for taking notes, I can't do images.  Images are all stored in their own file.  I periodically remove all images and save them on a thumb drive, I don't need all these images cluttering my hard drive.

As I write the review I try to keep the expectations in my mind, to this end I frequently check the thread where all the vendor and product information is held.
If I keep on target, when the review is due, all I need to do is add additional photos, double check that all my links are working properly and do my final link up. 

I do have to admit that I don't follow this system perfectly, some reviews are tougher to do than others, some reviews are so easy I almost forget to do them, and sometimes life gets busier than expected so I don't pre-write as I should.  But as long as I follow the first two steps I have three days in which to get the review done and linked up!  :)

How do you keep it all straight when working on reviews?

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  1. You're reviews are awesome and now I know why. Very organized.

    1. Thank you Barbie, you are so kind.

  2. thanks for sharing this! These are helpful ideas for many different tasks.Love the simple, straightforward approach! I'll have to check out simple note. I do like having a place where I can jot down thoughts and ideas, without opening up my blog and finding my way in to the right place to record.
    I use a draft post as a sort of holding cell for any info I use in a recurring manner. It's easy to copy/paste into current review or post.

    1. i really like simple note. I used to use evernote..but then they wanted money! So I switched based on the recommendations of others. :) I like your draft post idea.. I'll need to look into that idea!!!!

  3. Great tips as I have been getting overwhelmed and this will help me become more organized.

    1. Oh good, I hoped it would be helpful. :)

  4. A great step by step visual Annette! I write mine on a paper calendar, but do the same thing in looking at when they are due compared to the rest of life. :)

    1. thanks carol. I tried paper but in my house that's just a loss waiting to happen!!! :)

  5. Thoughtful process. I am soooo different! I have tried the draft right off the bat but it just makes me stumble in the writing. Glad you have such a successful process, even if it doesn't work exactly right every time. I guess that is part of life, right?

    1. It is indeed. :) means extra writing sometimes as well as I change my perspective.


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