Illness Strikes!!!!!

My goals for the week: Work on the trailer, cleaning the living room and keeping the learning going on. 

Over week overall: 
Hubby spent about half the week sick.. fighting off some bug that I think ran through my system REALLY fast on Monday.   Son is fine just acting tired-ish.  I should have known something was up when I could eat on Sunday but liquids had a problem staying in my belly.  :)  Otherwise I felt well and was fairly productive.

Monday: Off to London, we did stuff but my gut was not happy so ... we headed home a bit earlier as hubby had a meeting to attend, and I just wanted to be home.  :)   Gave my head a really solid bonk today which left me with a lingering headache.

Tuesday: Good day.. worked around the house cleaning and organizing, the lad worked hard on his schooling and got done fast. Did some grading.  I listened to a book on the "Five kingdoms" while I worked.  Kept me quiet while hubby rested... it was a grey day as well so it was good to keep busy.  Headache persisted but wasn't debilitating.

Wednesday: Foodbank in the morning, the lad again worked hard and had everything done except his on-line stuff by the time we got home.  The foodbank was really slow which allowed him to focus on his schooling.

In the afternoon I went to the library and managed to pull nine reviews together. WOOT WOOT!!!!

In the evening I took him to karate since Dad was out of commission.   Worked on rabbitry website rather later than I had planned.

I think I'm falling in love with a cutey from Bonnet.  Such a happy friendly kiddo...even at two weeks.  My luck though, it'll be a buck and I need another buck like I need a hole in my head.  Bonnet is the best doe though.....

Thursday: We had planned to go to the plowing match but dad was not well so we stayed home and did other stuff.   School and work and what not.  Did some grading of papers and made some biscuits I think (were very salty).

Friday: the lad has a research project due and I'm still hoping he'll get her done today. Dad is still feeling stiff and achy so the plowing match was a not a good fit today either.   I cut the reflectix sheets to cover the windows in the trailer.  I hoped to get the trailer done today but it's rather hot out and I'm easily tired out today for some reason.   

The lad did his schooling differently today than planned, Fridays are our "do it differently day" so the lad decided his STEM project would be working on his crossbow (good project) and he did his research project later in the day).  He was busy learning all day so we called it good.
The lad's not entirely thrilled with his efforts, but says "I can do more research mom, I made it so I can just undo this and this and this, to try something different if this doesn't hold up."

Saturday...well who knows???  :)  Well, hubby was still feeling off so tramping about the Plowing Match again wasn't on, so the lad and I worked on organizing the "bug tent".  This is a small shed I built for all his bug stuff so it wasn't cluttering up the house.  It holds more than his bug stuff now, but it still works really well for him, though at times I think about moving his shelves to the tool shed and moving the tools into the bug shed.  :)  Took us about an 1.5 hours.
All people that on earth do dwell.. hymn study
40 Ways to Present research
Romans 12:3-8.   Gifts Differ by Grace Given
Raincoast books Giveaway.  Open to Canadian.  #PlayTestShare.
Hey Freddy, It's Canada's Birthday.  - a book about Canada.
Romans 12:9-21.  God's Got it in Hand.   
It's Great to Create.  A lovely art book for budding artists.
Romans 13:1-7.  God Gave the Authority
A Spiritual Mindset.  The next chapter in "A pearl seeker" book.
Because I'm Reminded, I Accept.  A fmf word prompt post. 
Hershey Chocolate World.  Field trip in Pennsylvania. 
How to Farm Crickets.  The lad's research project. 
Marine Science for kids.  Review of a really neat science book.

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  1. A plowing match? Sounds kind of interesting. You do find plenty of unique things to go see. Hope everyone is doing better by now.

    1. It's basically a huge farm show....with a plowing component. :)

  2. I am so sorry you and the family were under the weather! Tell your lad that the crossbow looks awesome!

  3. I love that crossbow! Very creative. Sorry to hear you and your husband were under the weather this week and I hope everyone is feeling much better soon.

    1. The crossbow is cool, and we're all better thanks


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