Field Trip: Gettysburg National Military Park Museum

 know I know!  It's been a while since we did our trip to Pennsylvania...but I finally  have found the time to talk about our trip to the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum.

 I have to admit, it is hard to sum up our visit.  We weren't there as long as we would have liked to have been.  My feet were quite sore since we'd had a busy few days with not enough rest time, so I sat down a lot which was off-putting to the lad who wanted to read absolutely everything so he thought I was rushing him.  He had a hard time getting past that thought.   Then his feet got sore for standing and reading everything so.. it worked out best to cut our visit a bit shorter.

Anyways, other than that we had a fantastic time!   Seriously.  It was so interesting.  I loved the balance between the thoughts from the north and the south.   And WOW!!   The sheer amount of information was simply amazing!

After we finished in the museum we wondered the grounds for a bit, it was rather hot out so we stuck to the shade, the lad found some spiders that he watched for a while which totally made his day.

On the way back to the campsite we stopped by some of the field exhibits.
 and here's another horse statue.  :)

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  1. Ooh, I would love to visit the Gettysburg Museum - very cool that you got a chance to!

    1. It was very cool. If you can....go

  2. I don't think I've ever visited that museum and we head to Penn. quite often. We'll have to check that out next time.

  3. I visited there when I was a young teenager and I still remember it. Quite a place to be.


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