Review: Way of the Warrior Kid

Written in the style of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Way of the Warrior Kid was an interesting read.  It was also thought provoking and I am going to have my 12 year old read it as well.  In fact, if I can wrap my brain around it, I'm going to see if I can turn it into a book study, with relevant scripture and such like to go along.

Watching a child go through a mental change in his outlook, training hard with his uncle and becoming the person he discovered that he truly was.  Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy Seal Way, speaks to how using the Navy Seal mind set works well for helping youth make incredible differences in their lives.

It's making choices and sticking with them...even when it's hard.

This book, oh.. it made me laugh.   The kid in the book, he's a delight, his honesty, his wanting to do what's right even though it goes against what he thinks, his fear, his desire to be like his uncle.  It's all there, right in front of us.   Able to watch him think, learn and develop more into the person he'll be as an adult. 

The images in the book brought Marc to life.
 You could just see his delight, his fear, his concerns,and his joy within them.
It was so good to see the metamorphosis...not only externally, but also internally. 

My Thoughts:
For parents who want to fight the laziness and apathy so prevalent in the younger generation, this book will be yet another tool in the arsenal of lighting a fire under our youth.  To get them up and active and realizing their part (taking ownership) in the battle to be better than what they currently are.  It was great to see the mentorship from Uncle Jake  with Marc.  Inspiring, challenging, encouraging, teaching...being right there pushing and helping a boy to make the right decisions.  Good stuff.

Way of the Warrior Kid
Jocko Willink
illustrator: Jon Bozak
Feiwel and Friends
192 pages
8-12 years.

Type: trade paperback

Reviewed for: Raincoast Books

Where can you find it? Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL way: A Novel  Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way: A Novel

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  1. Sounds like an interesting but strange book. The Navy Seal part is very odd, since their tactics seem so harsh but what an interesting idea.

    1. It's a good book...I think especially for boys.


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