Grade Seven Curriculum Choices

 Today on the Homeschool Review Crew Five Day Blog Hop we are talking about Curriculum.

I thought I would take a moment to talk about the materials the lad and I hope to use this year.

I'll start with the easy stuff

Make Electronics.  One of my goals for the lad is that he have a job in the trades.. so that EVEN IF he wants to get a teaching, pastoral, blue-collar job at maturity, this will give him something he can do on the side or use as a fall back.   He's already ruled out plumbing and expressed an interest in learning electronics... so I found this book for him on Amazon.  This summer I picked up a few electrical things (cameras, clock radios and the like) for him to tear apart with his dad and learn a thing or two.
 Links to  and if you want to get it for your own student.

Unlock Math.  We reviewed this online math curriculum earlier this year.  The lad likes it and since he's happy and learning, I'm also happy.

Science Spine.   God's Design by Answers in Genesis. Just as we did last year we'll play around with this curriculum a bit.  Watching youtube videos, reading books about the subjects that interest us, doing experiments etc.
Canada History Spine. Last year my lad used these books as a jumping off point for doing his own research, we'll continue that this year.  Reading through one section a week and the lad doing research online or in the library.  Most will be written reports, but I'll have him do longer things like dioramas and what not as well to work on different ways of presenting a report.   We'll use it to pick art projects and stuff.

Logic of English: The lad has expressed an interest in improving his spelling, grammar, and such like.   And since we have Logic of English in the house I figure I'll use it.  
What else will we be doing?
Well I have these shelves eh?
Bottom shelf - where he stores his "actively working on materials" as well as some Shakespeare and French Lessons.

Middle shelf is mostly curriculum and binders to hold worksheets etc.

Top shelf is 90% resource materials that it would be fun to go through.

Then I have HIS book shelves and no, he won't read all these but I will pick from them for read-togethers.
grade seven curriculum choices
Our Fridays are filled with doing everything differently, so we do STEM, art, field trips, co-op and more.   These shelves help with that.

My goal is to keep everything organized so we can always find what we need easily. I hated it last year when books kept disappearing since the lad would just drop them randomly throughout the house.  So having dedicated shelves and a spot where the lad can put loose sheets or "I'm actively working on this" materials should help with that.

A good number of us from the crew are taking part.  I urge you to go visit them by clicking this link.

Here's a list to get you started:
Lisa – Farm Fresh Adventures – Lisa enjoys keeping it real on her blog, as she shares her adventures with homeschooling on a farm in a small town.
Lori  – At Home: where life happens – I am Lori. Wife to an wonderful husband, mother to 3 giggly girls in the throes of growing up, teacher to said 3 giggly girls, and, most importantly, a Christian striving to live life as God tells me to in the Bible.

Meghan – Quiet In The Chaos – Child of Christ, wife, and mama to 4, in my quiet corner I share about our homestead, homeschool, real life, and cooking real {traditional} food, while raising my family simply.
Melanie – Tree Valley Academy – Tree Valley Academy creates and shares lesson ideas and educational printables for homeschooling parents of early elementary-aged children.
Michele – Family Faith and Fridays – Follow our family of 6 on our military moving, God loving, homeschool adventure!
Missica – Through The Open Window – I’m a homeschooling mom to a special needs son. My blog reflects our lives, and our journey “through the open window” of autism.
Monique – Mountain of Grace Homeschooling – I’m a Catholic homeschooling mama to 2 amazing kids. We are finishing up the middle school years and heading into  navigating the world of high school.

Looking for curricula to fill in those gaps?   I know a great place to go. has courses for the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest.  Check out the early bird special going on right now.

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  1. Do you have the physical Answers In Genesis curriculum? I have looked at that one before and kind of liked it. We also are taking your idea of the Fun Friday and hoping to use it to pump up the joy a bit. - Lori

    1. Yes I do Lori, it works well for how my lad thinks. We do supplement sometimes though. Fun Friday is wonderful.

  2. We loved God's Design in 7th and 8th grade, and we enjoyed Unlock Math as well. All looks great!


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