Y is for Yukon!

Hello!   Welcome to the second last week of Blogging through the alphabet!   Can you believe it?  Wow... it's been a whirl wind hasn't it?

This week Amanda and I bring you the letter Y!

Since I have been bringing you all things Canadian during this alphabetic tour, this week I'm going to talk with you about the Yukon!

Think Jack London, Call of the Wild, Snow, tundra, permafrost, Inuit, snow, sun, frontiersmen, cold winters, sled dogs and the northern lights.

Or take a photographers viewpoint:
The Yukon is located up north.
It is host to Canada's largest mountain, Mount Logan.
AND the smallest desert in the world (yes, under all that snow is a desert) called Carcross.
It is located right next door to Alaska (the USA) and the Northwest Territories.
The population of the Yukon is 33, 897 with 2/3's of that living in Whitehorse.  Sparsely populated, with year round snow (even if in summer it falls sparsely), interesting animals (polar bears, moose, artic fox, stone sheep etc.), hunting, fishing, a large film and tourist industry, forestry and more.  

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  1. I never thought about there being a dessert in the yukon, but I guess it makes sense, it might be too cold to snow, and I cannot imagine it raining much that far north. Lovely, but definitely a place I would rather visit than live!

    1. I would love to visit the Yukon and Alaska, not sure if I'd want to live there.

  2. Fascinating! I expected more snow, though. Wonder what it looks like in the winter.

    1. mmmm the yukon in the winter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNq7lrXmQZQ

  3. Holy Cow! The Yukon is so stunningly beautiful! I had no idea how pretty until I saw your videos...
    And isn't it odd that Destruction Bay is an inland city?
    Thank you for highlighting a place I knew next to nothing about - I can't wait for the teenagers in my house to get up so I can show them!

    1. i know eh? I'm so happy to help people learn more about my homeland. :)

  4. Beautiful. Would love to visit one day.

    1. I know...wouldn't it be interesting?

  5. Cool, I've always wondered about Yukon. Sounds like a fun place to visit.

    1. it would be interesting for sure. :)

  6. My oldest son is obsessed with the Yukon! We watch shows like Yukon men and Gold Rush all the time. While I know those shows are about the Alaskan portion of the Yukon it's not always easy to distinguish which portion of the Yukon is being talked about in all the many (many!) books we've read about the area.

    1. Neat! You probably know too much about the yukon at this point though. :) It's great to see the avid interest though isn't it?


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