Life Pleasures 2: Concert


ALMOST every year since we've been married hubby and I have gone to the Home County Festival in London.  Always happens right around his birthday.   We took the lad when he was wee young and spent most of the time in the children's area.  This year we went and the lad pokemon go'd and worked on soapstone carvings.  We hardly saw our lad this year at all.  He enjoyed it so very very much!  But honestly... so did we.  :)

Home County is a free pay what you want when you are there if you like, some do, some don't, but most do.     Bands play, they have workshops where they try to teach you things, and where different groups get together and have fun playing with each other.   

This is the first year I heard someone playing a washboard and it was rather neat!  :)

This is admittedly not a great video as I used my tablet 
(the lad had my phone) but it was so much fun listening to this group
 I wanted to try to share it with you.  :)
This year it was a wonderful surprise I got to hear one of my favourite singers!!!   Susan Aglukark did a short 45 minute concert for us!!   IT WAS SO WONDERFUL!!!!   It was WAY too short, I told hubby I'd love to hear her in concert and then he reminded me of ticket prices so well.. that's not going to happen.  :)  But I can buy her music and listen on-line and what not so life is good is it not?

She performed this song for us.  I made my hubby grin as I sang along and shuffled around in my chair.  :)
 I rather despair at this point of getting my lad to enjoy SITTING and listening to music.  He likes some kinds of music well enough...but not to just sit and listen to.. he'd rather be doing stuff and have it on in the background. 

He did make a couple of neat soap stone carvings though which was rather neat to see, but no pics allowed this year.  :(

Anyways, we heard some wonderful music and well... some that we got up and left with, but 95% of it was great!  The Bombaliers, the washboard folks, Amanda (something) and a celtic group.... and of course Susan Aglukark.  

It was a great Friday evening and Saturday.  We didn't go on the Sunday because hubby had to preach and it was his birthday...cake and presents filled our afternoon.  :)

This post is part of the Crews Instagram word prompt challenge. I find them fun to turn into posts, will you join me in the challenge?

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  1. What a wonderful thing. I love those kinds of festivals.


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