A Pictorial Visit June 17-23

Our week in pictures.   We had a busy week, I thought I'd share it a bit with you.  :)

Saturday, A Yard Sale.  I had a whole lot more pictures, but I deleted them from my phone after the sale because well.. 90% of the stuff was either sold or donated.   It was a tough day with people being extremely frugal this year... made me feel very annoyed.  Bargain, but don't be rude.  Had some highlights in the joy of a fellow discovering our very old cooler and tent.. just when he needed one.  :)  The grin of delight in a lad discovering a dinosaur toy.  The pleasure in a fellow finding a whack of beat up candles perfect for his needs.
The horses.   I've been watching the foals a lot this week.  I've nicknamed them Braveheart and Momma's boy.   This here is Momma's boy.  Never find him far from momma, while Braveheart explores everywhere he can and boy...can he run already.
Reviews:  I've written a lot of reviews this week.  Trying to push through books I need to get done as I'm going a book sale this week and I want to see if I can move some of them into new homes.   The most needful review was UnLock Math as it had a deadline.  :)  Good program by the way, go read my review if you're looking for a math program from grades seven and up.
Laundry!  Despite a lot of rain this week I managed to get some laundry done.  Hung much of it outside despite my lad complaining it makes the towels all scratchy. :)
 Gardening!  We've been busy working on the front garden (I call it the kidney garden cause of the shape I made it in).  I do it up every other year really well, digging out the weeds, moving plants and what not.   Since we're moving this year I really pushed myself to get it done.  Did it over two days though rather than trying to get it all done in one day.  My feet HATE me when I push too hard.   See the difference?   This was day one.
While I was working on the day one of the garden my industrious lad was given the task of rebuilding our outdoor fire pit.   I just said...make it bigger and better, the design is up to you.
The end result:
That took up our Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday was our anniversary which took up out to London where I sold these two younglings to a pet store who were delighted to have them.
 Hubby and I went out to lunch to celebrate our anniversary.  We planned to do some shopping but my body decided it would rather NOT do that.   So we headed home after picking the lad up from gramma's house. Dinner out was very nice.  15 years it's been for us.  They've been great years for the most part and I have a keeper in a hubby that's for sure. :)   So happy with him.

Friday...oh what are my plans...I'm getting ready for a book sale (on Saturday) so have been emptying my shelves rather drastically.   My criteria is pretty simple.  Do I want to move this book?   If not...out it goes.  I've discovered books I didn't even know I had!   Most of what I don't sell will be going to a thrift shop (there's a bible for missions store that I am sure will be happy to get them).  If not there are several in the area I can choose from.  I'll be giving some away as well as I just want them GONE.

Well I think that's it... I'll try to update you again next week too...but we'll see how the week goes eh?

Oh for schooling the lad is officially on summer schedule.
That means.
Three days math (all summer). He has a choice between Kumon, Smartick and UnLock.
Three days History (until program is done). 
Language arts (two days a week).
Friday (make a kit, do a STEM project, art etc)
Reviews only as necessary.  (usually fitting these into one or two days a week).

 Run with Me.  Autobiography of Shana Richards-Ross.
 Art book: Dangles.  Gemstones as the basis of flair in drawing.
 The Dolphins of Shark Bay.  Really really liked this book.
 UnLock Math.  Great math program, grades 7 and up.
 Kids NIV Study Bible.   This was well done.
 Grand Canyon.  Learn about the Grand Canyon.

Everything Else
 Parenting Series: Lost.   The next in the series. 
 Recipe: Beef Stroganoff.  I liked this dish. 
 W is for Winnie the Pooh.  Alphabet blogging in Canada post.
 Hymn Study: Jesus I Come.  A great old hymn.
 Garden, what about the bushy one?   A poem that I had fun writing. :)
 Steady, a five minute Friday post, a poem.
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  1. Love the productivity. Happy anniversary.

    1. Thank you. It was a lovely week

  2. Happy belated anniversary! Sounds like you are getting a lot done.


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