The Week of American Goldfinches in Colour

Check it out... my Spring Bed is out in good form this week.  Must like all the rain we've been having!  I just love walking up and seeing them all in bloom... just makes my heart smile!

I brought this cutie to London.   DaisyHawk in one of my favourite does, but it was time for her to find a new home.   She'll be living on a farm in St. Thomas. 

Headed off to Kingsville so hubby could preach in the church of some friends.  Then had a lovely visit in the afternoon with them.  We went for a walk and my son was able to see Cactus growing in the wild in Ontario.

We planned to go to London, but the lad developed a sore throat and was acting a touch troubled, so we called gramma who said "I'll come your way".  Once she arrived we headed out so we could get our taxes done, have a lunch out with hubby and so I could sell this cutie.
I bought a slingshot...
 The lad's sore throat has resolved itself into a cold.  It's a bleak rainy day.  We did some schooling with emphasis on "school should not cause tears" and chilled out in the afternoon doing laundry and watching movies.

 The lad was not feeling okay this morning yet, draggy and more apologetic than normal.  So he stayed home to do minimal schooling (just on-line stuff needed for reviews) and his reading.   I headed off to the

We had lunch together and chatted. I cleaned the fridge (being fairly brutal) and by the end we had a half empty fridge!!! 

Finished the laundry from yesterday, did some blogging and the lad made me supper (eggs/bacon/cheese scramble).  Took pictures of my bunny babes and then decided to cut the lawn.  Not the smartest idea as now I'm really tired and sore.   BUT HEY!!   The lawn is done and now the rain can come again and it won't be a jungle when it stops again (apparently not until Monday!!!!).

Hubby pointed out that our Regular Pairs of American Goldfinch are back and ... are almost back to breeding plumage.  

Today we did things differently than normal.  We made muffins, made the Millenium Falcon, built a hydraulic claw and made a simple drawing for art on Friday.   The lad did do his devotions and his Veritas Press History lesson.

Dad had a funeral to preach so we dropped him off  as we headed off to visit a friend and do an art project.   Linoleum Printing.   It was rather fun to do!   Look!   I did a budgie!

Mission to Pluto.  A neat trip with a scientist to Pluto.
ArtAchieve.  A neat art program that we like. 
Millennium Falcon, Star Wars Builders.   A really neat kit for building a replica Millennium Falcon.

Art Class, different than one-on-one.  This post part of a crew round up post.
Art Book Series: Spot the Differences.  Guest post about a neat art book
Prickly Pear Cactus.  ABC blogging post, native cactus to Canada.
Books Read in April.   The books we read in April.  A link up post.

Everything Else:
Recipe: Rice-Cheese balls.  An interesting new recipe.  A link up post.
Springtime, a poem.  Just a simple poem about spring.
The Prince's Portion.  Devotion on Ezekiel 45:7-25
The Greatest Should.  Word prompt on the word Should... what is the greatest should?

Linking Up at The Following Places.

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  1. Hope your son is back to 100% soon! Great picture of the goldfinch - I'm enjoying the ones that have been frequenting our feeder. Our hummingbirds are back now too! Thanks for sharing your week on Homeschool Highlights!

  2. oh!!! I want our hummingbirds to be back.. but that won't happen til end of May at the earliest...

  3. Beautiful flowers and birds! Two of my very favorite things.


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